


4 years, 1 month ago


  • Kylua

  • age 12 years old
  • gender Male
  • race Human
  • Series All Known Secrets


Info • Refs


Kylua is the protagonist of All Known Secrets.

He has dark brown hair and light greyish-brown eyes. Often wearing loose and long clothing. He is Syl's genderbent, so whatever Syl has, feels or thinks so does Kyl. Due to this they have a semi telephatic bond.

Kyl was the one who brought Syl inside the world she created and guided her to the place with some people. He didn't expect that she'll lose her memories when she was transported in so they had to rely with his memories during their journey. He unconditionally helped Syl in every step of the way.

Small things that differentiate Kyl with Syl with their apperance other than their genders are: His clothes are longer than Syl. Most noticable on his vest and shorts. While Syl prefers to keep her hair short, Kyl prefers it long. Kyl's sleeves are also shorter than Syl. He is also 5cm taller than Syl.

"You think you're weak when you're one of the strongest".

height 155 cm

Birthday March 16

Pronouns He/She/They

Character # 01/11


  • Small backpack
  • Water
  • Glasses
  • Phone

Basic info

  • Loves fried rice
  • Artist
  • Genderbent of Syl
  • Not much different from Syl

Story Summary

Kylua, or Kyl for short, is one of the characters syl made for her universe. He called and summoned her to the world she created to help fix them what was wrong and save the universe from collapsing.

What he didn't expect is that she'll lose her memories and was transferred to him. He had no choice but to guide Syl in the situation

Kyl is also the one usually rescuing Syl whenever she gets into trouble. He's also the one providing his support, may it be physically or not as he can understand what Syl feels and goes through.

Due to the fact that he's no different from Syl aside from their genders, he easily understands Syl's intention. This has saved them a few times when Syl was acting sentimantally due to a lingering magic in the area.

At the ending of the series,he asked what Syl would do from then on and she replied that she'll stay in their universe create another one. When asked why, she smiled with glee and replied "Well,i learned all of it. This world's All Known Secrets." Kyl smiled back and nodded in understanding, signaling the end of their current journey.

