{WIP} Tsubaki



4 years, 1 month ago



 Name  Tsubaki Mori
 Gender  Female
 Age  26
 D.o.B. December 6th
 Height 5'3"
 Build  Petite, Hourglass figure
 Race  Human/Oni Ancestor
 Role  The Fortune Teller
 Demeanor  Cold, Quiet, Guarded, Slow to warm up
 HTML  Wicked


The past is written but the future is fluid, there is always time to change your fate.

Tsubaki was born to an old and powerful family that was known for their women to be born with the 'gift of sight' or fortune telling. It often skipped generations but it would always resurface. Tsubaki was the last born with the gift after 3 generations had passed without it surfacing and she had a sheltered life, raised from the very moment she could be to hone her gifts. Tsubaki is a tarot card reader and often has prophetic dreams, though the meanings of which are not always clear to her.

Her family holds a dark secret in that the fortune teller who was born three generations past had coupled with an oni to continue the family line and so Tsubaki has the ability to transform at will, which she does not voluntarily do often. She hates her demon blood because it was the downfall of their family.

The townsfolk nearby got fed up with the tales of witchcraft and 'demon worship' that happened in that house and burned the entire complex down, waiting outside to slaughter anyone who made it out of the collapsing building. Since it was late at night Tsubaki was asleep when it started but she had a prophetic dream showing her the way to escape. Because in her dream she escaped alone she had to steel her heart and find the route no one had blocked. Escaping alone into the forest at only the age of 8 she had survived but everyone she knew had been wiped out in a single night. She wandered aimlessly until someone would take her in, not knowing her identity. When she reached the age of 16 she set out alone to live in solitude. Jaded by the tragedy her gift brought she spent years hiding it, never using it even to help others. She vowed the curse of her talents and demon blood line would die with her.

Until, at the age of 26, she kept having a prophetic dream of a man dying night after night until she could finally take it no longer and set out to find him.


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