
4 years, 1 month ago


Kutsuki Yukito

Karasuno High School 

First Year, Class 1

Position: Middle Hitter

Height: 180.34 cm (5'11")

Weight: 75.29 kg (166 lbs)

Age: 16

Birthday: March 6, 1998

Favorite Food: Katsudon

Current Worry: Two of his senpais on the volleyball team think that Iceland is the same place as the North Pole.

Stats (Out of 5):

Speed: 5

Jump: 3

Power: 3

Stamina: 3

Strategy: 4

Technique: 2

Fun Facts:

-He speaks fluent English (Raised bilingual)

-He's half Icelandic (His mother is from Iceland, his father is from Japan)

-He was on a track team for all of middle school, so he's a really fast runner

-Whenever he's stressed out, he goes running

-He joined the volleyball team because he had a bad experience with the track team during his third year of middle school and he wanted a change of pace

-He's in a long distance relationship with a boy on the Nekoma High School volleyball team, Yumehara Katsuo