Saguaro, Javier



4 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Saguaro-Kakutatsu Kenta Javier

Hero Name

Jumping Cholla


Cactus (Type: Jumping Cholla)

Quirk Description

The user is able to shoot spines out of his body and make them whatever thickness, length, and hardness he can. His skin can also harden up and root himself into the ground. However, the spines that come through his skin (with excessive use) will wear down his endurance for pain and result in blood loss.


Javier originally lived in Puerto Rico with his hardworking parents. They lived in a good standing, but his father got sickly... then they started to loose money. From there they lived more impoverish, his mother working overtime to provide for her family singlehandedly. As a child Javier couldn't do much to help him her get money, he tried but his mother didn't want to take any part of his childhood from him. The money situation only got worse from there and his parents made the decision to send Javier to Japan to live with his older sister, Alley. He of course didn't want to leave, not when things were so bad at home. He felt like he needed to stay there... but the decision was final. With the money they kept in savings they bought him a plane ticket. It was hard for him to adjust to the new language and people. His first quirk manifestation was an excruciating one, the pain of spines cutting through his skin only made more come out. In short, he couldn't stop hurting the others around him with his pin missiles until he passed out from pain and blood loss. From then he developed a fear of touching others and had to learn to control his emotions. In middle school, some people found him funny to mess with, but he made them learn quickly that he wouldn't take that kind of treatment. He was brutal to ones who opposed him and overall got into trouble for his temper. Throughout most his adolescents he lived with Alley, not with the greatest relationship. She had to break it down to him that their mom died from overworking herself, Javi blamed her for not being there for their parents when they needed her most... and blamed himself for being too weak. 

He entered UA in hopes of providing a role model for other kids that lived in poverty like he did and to the ones who felt they were too weak to help. Right off the bat he found a rivalry between him and another dude in his class, Adrian. They clashed so often that people began to think they were mortal enemies... but as time went on they rubbed off on each other and found friendship and respect, becoming surprisingly good friends. Kenta mellowed out and became continues to try and be outwardly kind. His relationship with Alley improved as well, no longer bitter and left with only a sting.


He fell into an unlikely love with one of his classmates. Together they just fell into a relationship unofficially and soon enough they were married and had a kid. He was called back to Puerto Rico where he thought he’d be more effective as a hero, leaving his family behind while based in Puerto Rico. He doesn’t spend much time with his family but he does come down to Japan for special days and makes it worthwhile. He loves his family.