23$'s Literatures

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 7 months ago
7 3153

Mild Violence

Might need to edit later depending on how it goes, but the farthest "violence" will go in these is just describing scenes of gore, mentioning blood and referencing/hinting at past violence

typical haunted house stuff

A collection of short stories based on one of my spacecats entering a haunted house and leaving, each with a different twist but the same setting.

The halloween event this year is "going into a haunted house" for candy, and so I thought for each day I would write a small short story. They're each in 3 chunks due to being in 3 separate comments, and they each feature a different character. Since its more just for fun its not the best writing/not the most planned out story, most of them I made up as I went!