Sammy(WTA)'s Comments

(This is so long im sorry ;v;)

I would really like to make this dude one of the main character of a fantasy short story, or a series of novella based on each time period he lives through.

Name; Shmuel (Original Hebrew Name) Samuel (English Variation) Sammy (Nickname)

Age; 3166 Years Old, but his current cycle age is 9 (Mental age of 25)

Gender/Sex; Biologically male in current form, but can assume any gender.

Biography; Shmuel is a demon who was created in ancient Israel after an alchemist got very lucky. He lived through various formal which last as long as the form he takes e.g. a human for would last 70-80 years. He regenerates after his current form takes severe damage, and this process can take several minutes to hours depending on the damage and how quickly he is dying. 

His first form was a young Isreali boy who worked as The Alchemist's student and lackey, as he lacked anyone to pass his knowledge on to. The Alchemist became a figurehead in his life and taught him who he was and how to control himself, and certain powers he posses. When the alchemist died, he was distraught, and started his pilgrimage across Saudi Arabia, Iraq and then Iran. His first form perished after crossing the Arabian desert due to dehydration, then aptly re-incarnated into a camel. He trekked across the rest of the desert before being trapped by traders and was bought, sold and rented as a mode of transportation before needed to change forms. 

His journey continued into East Europe and into West Asia. By this time the was 1000 years old or so. He hung around into China for quite a while and finally decided to leave after his form of a relatively famous folklore dragon was slain by a mass of villagers around 600 years into his stay. He went through Russia as various forms that include; bears, cranes, bear hunters and eventually re-incarnated various times as settlers of a small village. This brings him to around 652 AD. In the Russian village he was discovered by the villagers as a demon and was chased out northwards where he expired in the cold, and came back as a bear (again) and then fell into a very deep hibernation.

 As a magical being, he slept for 1200-ish years, finding himself in Victorian Russia. He saw the Russian Revolution coming, and like usual, he ran away. Britain was the best option, so he emigrated and died a few years after arriving. He served in WW2 and died on the battlefield, and his body (or what was left) was taken to America as a mistaken soldier's remains, and was reincarnated as a young woman in 1950's America. She lived her into the 1970's where she died of lung cancer after being a constant smoker.

 Shmuel then became a punk rocker in the mid eighties and was shot in a concert gone horribly wrong in 1992. His body was moved to the local morgue and his soul drifted to a house nearby. A new couple had just moved in to the suburban home with a baby, who was a little girl called Katie. He felt a connection with her and decided that he would "imprint" himself on her. They grew up together and he was basically her imaginary friend, unknown to Katie that he was a magical being. The only concequence of this bond was she had control over his form and he took the appearance of many different weird and wacky creatures.

 Katie was 2 months away from being 18, and Shmuel eventually came forward about what he was. Katie was understandably angry as she had had years of seeing therapists and councillors as having an imaginary friend into your late teens worried her parents severely. She came round and when Katie turned 18, Shmuel would either leave and be free or Katie would keep him until she died. Katie sealed the bond, and they live happily together in a small appartment in San Fransisco. (Will develop more)

Appearance (an explanation): When Katie and Shmuel sealed, he had to take a "final form" until he passed into his next cycle. As Katie was neck deep into her furry phase, Shmuel was subjugated to a sparkle dog type appearance. He slowly eased into the form and can switch between anthro and feral, if he so chooses. 

One thing you could identify Shmuel by is his his red tinged sclera or eye bags, which makes him look ill more often than not.

Personality: Shmuel is a dick, plain and simple. He has seen every way shit could ever hit the fan and he's just a bit of an arsehole. However, he sticks to his guns and his moral compass is very complex. He protects others who need protecting, but he isn't charitable. His 'emo bad boy persona' is just a facade, and out of all the personalities he's ever had, its the funnest to have (also he really loves the whole 2009 emo get-up.)

Sexuality; He's go for anyone, as long as they're legal and as promiscuous as he is.

Likes and Dislikes


- He likes candles, and anything that smells nice. His favourite smells are burning stacks of government documents, lighter fluid and bubblegum.

- He also likes cool, shady places, like basements or attic. Anywhere that is spooky and ~dark~ really does the job.

- He likes talking and bitching to other demons as they are the only other things that can see him apart from Katie.


- He HATES angels with a burning passion, and thinks they're stuck up dickwads and are extremely vain.

- He is self conscious of his form as it's seen as "childish" by his peers but Katie loves him to pieces and this soothes his worries.

CONGRATULATIONS!! You won!! lycanthropy

Hope you like them~

Ahhh im in love with him ;u; i need more male characters tbh

Name- Sam

Age- 23

Bio- Sam has never been one for thinking through his actions, he acts impulsively, and usually negatively, but he is a very intelligent being. He enjoys smoking and drinking often with his close group of friends. Hes quite the law breaker, one for petty theft and trespassing, but has never truly been caught. Even when he has been noticed doing something he shouldnt, he easily charms himself out of it. He grew up this way, and knows no different.

Conditions- He was diagnosed with schizophrenia and OCD once he had moved out on his own, as his parents wouldnt ever take him to the doctor. He experiences hallucinations and the occasional voice, though its never overly unpleasant. He finds the voices he hears as friends to talk to when he is lonely, and wouldnt change it if he was given the chance. His OCD comes into play especially when smoking or drinking, he must take a drag off of a cigarette for a certain amount of seconds or a certain amount of sips of his alcohol within a certain time frame. He has a relatively stable mental condition apart from these two disorders.

History- Sam was never really looked after as a child, and grew up hectically due to this, but as he aged, he began to wisen and learn to fend for himself in any difficult situations. At 14 he was working along with school, and already preparing to move out the moment he turned 18. He went through a slight emo phase while he was in high school, but has since grown out of it, though he did decide to keep the hair.

May come back and add more later!! I really want this lil dood ;u;

Oof, he is a handsome boi

I would make him a brother to one of ny primary characters, slim. They would be similar in many ways, but this one would be gruffer and a bit more unfriendly. I would love to draw them together, because I feel like their designs fit well.

He would be clever and intellegent, more so than his brother. He would be the one getting them out of trouble, and making plans for them.

(Im out of time for now, ill add later)

Edit: okay here I go

Age: 25 (like his brother)

Gender: male

Relationships: slim (brother)

Orentation: biromantic, asexual

Likes: Cheesecakes, Crustaceans, horror books/movies

Dislikes: being talked over (makes him furious), fish, elevators

Personality: He very showy, but tries not to show it. He loves when people think he is interesting or cool, but would never let on to it. He's very confident, and not introverted. He's never embarrassed of himself, and feels very sure of himself at most times.

Bio: He and slim were treated equally as children, there was never a favorite child. They are definitely very close, despite them not showing it. They were not always demons. They became this way when they were exploring one day (17 years old). They came across a large tree with a hollow in the side. When they peered I the hollow, they saw a platform attached to a pully. It was a makeshift elevator it seemed. The boys, after a bit of disscusion, decided to discover what was down in the hollow. The elevator seemed like it would never reach the bottom, as they lowered themselves down. After a few minutes of pondering what they would find, the hollow grew into an entire, huge cave. The area was hot, the air hard to breathe. Flames flickered calmly around pathways and brimstone as they finished their descent. They stepped off the elevator in front of a gate. The sign on the gate read "welcome to hell"

(I'd elaborate more if I get him, this is a bit sloppy sorry ^^;)