Satsuma's Comments

I can offer literally anyone from my toyhouse except Styx and valentine!! Doesn't matter the art count or worth i can also offer multiple beams 🥺💖💖💖

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how much art would you offer?

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hmmm is there any chance you can add on abit more usd?

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How soon will you know : 0 ? I need money rn lmao

5 Replies

I could offer one/multiple characters and some USD as an addon? (if the post below falls through)

how much usd could you do.

how much are you looking for? i cant do the AB unfortunately : (
it also depends on if you found any characters since some of them have pretty hefty price tags

sadly none really did aa

no worries! what USD were you looking for?

just offer lmao im pretty lenient 

2 Replies

Would you be willing to hold ab? 

how long?

Until the end of the month? I could add on 20$ or more for the hold

Yea I could do that with $20 for the hold, please keep me updated.

Ok, Ive offered on another character so if they decline ill come back and update you! 

ok qwq

Any update? 

Are you still interested???

Hey,, you havent responded so Im assuming you're no longer interested? I could maybe haggle on the price I really need the cash.

Are you still interested? I could really use the money.

I know this is a horrible offer but I will legit offer this enitre folder for one of your designs.