


4 years, 2 months ago


Full name: Echo
Meaning for name: The sound of sound waves being reflected back to the listener
Do they like their name: Yes
Nickname: None
Gender: Female
Age/grade: 17
How old they appear: 18
Eye colour: Teal
Glasses?: No
Weight/build: Kinda curvy
Height: Average
Skin colour: Olive
Hair colour: Originally black, dyed teal
Taste in jewellery: All!!
Healthy? Why or why not: No, she's not that mentally stable
Music: None
Daredevil or cautious: Cautious
Are they the same alone: No
Good habits: Studies, good social/work balance
Bad habits: Talking to self, bottling up feelings
Hobbies: Drawing, hairstyling
Family situation: Average
Friend situation: Good
Worst fear: Wouldn't tell you to save a life
Favourite thing: Her own hair
Role model: Envy (shoutout to myself!)
What would break them: Wouldn't tell you to save a life
Best/worst thing in their life:
-Worst: Wouldn't tell you to save a life
-Best: Marrying Envy
What they are reluctant to tell people: Wouldn't tell you to save a life
Opinion on sex/relationships: Homo-flexible
Major flaws: Bottles up feelings, makes insensitive jokes
How do they feel about themselves: Insecure
Selfish or selfless: Depends