Yu-Min & Min-yu



4 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Lab Assistants


The Clone Twins

Protective, Naïve, Curious, Happy, Positive, Altruistic, Intelligent, Dedicated, Preserving

Yu-Min & Min-Yu are the creations of Doc Vince. While experimenting on creating life technologies, he wondered if it was possible to create a clone of an already artificial life. And thus, the twins were created!

Min-yu is slightly older than Yu-Min as she was the first artificial lifeform created, and Yu-Min is a clone created from her. Depsite this, they simply see each other as twin sisters and best friends, as they are their own unique people with unique thoughts.

Yu-Min's creation was a bit of a failure. She didn't come out quite right. Doc Vince is unsure if its possible to create more flawless life from artificial life, as this was his first and so far last attempt. Yu-Min needed a little help, so some of her limbs were replaced with doll parts. As her 'older' sister, Min-Yu is always looking out for her and making sure she is okay.

Doc Vince allows both of them to live with him still, and they became his lab assistants! 

To them, seeking out happiness is their greatest goal. They'd do anything to make the other happy, and if they could make more people happy in the process, then they'll be glad. They are a bit sheltered though, which makes them naïve, but it also makes them very curious.

They love to explore and entertain. So Doc is always sending them on errands or letting them host parties in his home. 

Since they are artificially created, they were implanted with a lot of academic knowledge; they just don't know how to apply it. They are the definition of book smart and not street smart. 

They don't have a great understanding of pain or death, so they are often willing to push through anything. Yu-min in particular is known to do this and results in her getting covered in scars. She pushes herself too hard.

While Yu-Min preserves in a psychical sense, Min-Yu is better with her words. Both of these get them in trouble when they are out exploring the world.