Eon Calliway



4 years, 22 days ago


"My brain is full of hot people, wine and the ever-present fear of my past coming back to haunt me.”

Vampire ♦ Mercenary ♦ Universe hopper?

drowns herself in sex and wine to get over the fact she's going to outlive everyone she loves. is she edgy? yes, but she's my first ever oc and she's developed from a self-insert to an actual fully-fleshed-out character so i'm proud of her.

universe hopping:
whenever something actually manages to kill her, her body dies but her mind does not. somehow it's transferred to another universe's eon, similar to the quantum immortality theory.
before she's thrown into another universe, she 'spawns' into a waiting room of sorts where other newly-dead universe hoppers chill before their number's called. she puts a lot of memorabilia here--stuff from old friends, a TON of cash (mercenary work pays quite nicely if you've got the stomach for it), etc. for instance, she keeps a dented helmet a friend gave her from her very first universe. she treats it like an heirloom and even uses a replica of it for when she's working.

people she recognizes from previous universes don't recognize her, so each and every time she must start her relationship anew--that is, if they're even alive in the new universe, let alone having ever existed there in the first place.

her sister, too, is a universe hopper, but she hasn't 'died' yet so her ability is as of now unknown to her.

needless to say she's got a lot of skeletons in her closet.

misc. facts:
-drawn to sources of heat due to her low body temperature. likes to snuggle as a result
-heart barely beats
-can sometimes unhinge her jaw?? bro wtf she doin
-can and will kick your ass. will kick everyone's ass. will kick her own ass
-and if she can't she gets mega sad about it because she's immortal, damn it, she's had like centuries of experience so why can't she kick this one person's ass?
-lots of scars, mental and physical. tons on her back, especially
-horny drunk. also a lot dumber when drunk

character grid:
-Abbachio, from JJBA Part 5
-Ban, Seven Deadly Sins (i think he fits, i havent seen much of it)
-Billy Butcher (The Boys)
-Yami (Black Clover)

character aesthetics:
-waking up with a headache/not knowing where you woke up
-realizing your mistakes five years after you’ve made them
-locked doors and the things hidden behind them, scars
-bullets, gunsmoke, wine
-the smell of blood
-coming home exhausted
-broken hearts, both hers and theirs

grand ole list of things she's survived (TW: Violence, Gore, Abuse, Etc.) (note: this is a list sourcing from a ton of unmentioned AUs. not all of these are canon to mainline Eon!)

  • has been forced to eat her own eye (dubiously canon)
  • has been shot in the stomach with an explosive round, obliterating most of her stomach and all of her intestines and womb and forcing her body to regen them all from scratch. her guts are all sorts of out of order now and her womb's pretty much nonfunctional. (canon in all versions thru one way or another)
  • has had her arm bitten or otherwise ripped off multiple times
  • has had her legs cut off at the knee, grabbed an office chair and thrown herself down the stairs on said chair to get down there ASAP (not canon)
  • has eaten part of a sandwich she put rat poison on (not canon)
  • has been kneecapped at least once and, considering her career choice, has probably endured it multiple times (canon in all versions for the at least once part)
  • has shot herself in the head as a party trick (dubiously canon but she'd probably still do it again)
  • has had her organs removed (not canon but if someone got their hands on her for organ harvesting they'd definitely have a field day with her)

if you're from tattered weave, let me clarify: this isn't tw!eon
I have no idea whether my username or the OC came first since I've had both for years.