Ichika Hanada



4 years, 2 months ago


Ichika Hanada

Ichika Hanada

Name 花田愛歌e (Hanada Ichika)
Age (Past) 14 (Year 1) 16 (Year 2) 17 (Year 3) 18
Height 158 cm
Birthday January 5
Blood Type AB
Occupation (Past) 3rd year at Etoile Vio Middle School (Year 1) 1st year homeschooled student (Year 2) 2nd year homeschooled student (Year 3) 3rd year homeschooled student
Hobbies Listening to CV CD's, Music appreciation(Focus on all)
Motif Flower


Image Color




LIME HanaꕥChika
Inste HanaꕥChika
Favorite Food Nikuman
Least Favorite Food Curry
Family Father, Mother
Strength Composing Music
Weakness Mistaking alcohol for juice(gets drunk with one sip)
CV Ai Kayano





" [音楽とは、感じることと創ることです] "Music is about creating and feeling "

The Mankai Company Composer. A retired idol that came back to the company after her dad's request to check on the company where he used to work. Despite being praised for being able to create music from thin air, she feels she has yet to create her greatest piece. She joined the company, believing that she will be able to create it. Since she no longer attends her old school, she spends her time being homeschooled by online instructors.


Ichika is a young teenager with pale skin, blue-green eyes, and long reddish-brown hair with a rather short height. She always wears a cherry blossom hairclip to pin a part of her bangs back. She is always seen carrying an instrument of sorts, her favorite being the violin and guitar. Ichika prefers light clothing and has a cute yet casual style to her clothes. She is often seen wearing a light blue-see through cardigan with a white collar and dark blue tie over a white camisole and a jean skort. In addition she wears a pair of light gray sneakers and star patterned below the knee socks.


Ichika is a quiet and caring girl who has a big passion for music. She's a bit shy in the beginning but really opens up to people with time. Ichika is very serious about music since her father was the company's composer and it also resulted her getting attracted to people's voices. Most of the time, Ichika is pretty relaxed and calm but when it comes to music she is described as scary when she tells the guys to get ready and start recording. She is good at charming at people from her past as an Ichu idol but she get's embarassed afterwards. It's been shown that Ichika really cares for the company and its members, putting it before herself. Ichika is also been shown to be a little clumsy since anytime the company celebrates or goes out, if the adults order alcohol she always somehow manages to confuse the cup or content and drinks it. From just a sip she becomes drunk and quite an affectionate one as she hugs people and gets close while giggling the whole time.


  • Ichika's room is soundproof but she still wears headphones to not disturb the others just in case.
  • Ichika can play any instrument but has said the one she is bad at the most is the drums.
  • Her birthday is on Hydrangea Day
  • She doesn't hate curry but she dislikes it because it's eaten so much and her dad told her stories of eating it so much
  • She has the same habit as Tsuzuru since she works with him to make music for the scripts, passing out when she is done


  • "Music is similar to flowers. They come in many different shapes and forms and once they bloom a beautiful melody can be played and heard by those around it."