Juniper's Comments

u gotem


can i buy em for 109$ resale? 🚶‍♀️

omg do u see anyone in my th,,, ?

hey!! saw you were doing a mass purge/sale, just to make sure does it include this guy?

I'd love to offer on them <3

I'd accept the 109$ resale for them ! I am willing to look at cs / other designers, but USD is preferrable

alright!! I can’t offer usd atm, but I can offer someone within these folders! Ponyo is off-lims 

I dont plan on co-owning either, i just wont be trading them for the foreseeable furture

can u ping me if it's ufo? I really like them😭🤲

Sure !! Though i dont plan on trading them anytime soon

hey !! are you really going to use them for long? may I co own them with u, if u allow co owns tho

i will be using them for a while, and no, im not going to co-own

no, ive said no already before to your comments, stop asking

Can I get pinged if they are ever up for offers? 

Oh man, this bab is gorgeous :0c

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Read my warning before commenting

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On my profile, I have a clear warning not to offer on characters tagged ‘foreverhomed’, since they aren’t up for offers.

It’s the main part of my warning

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