

4 years, 14 days ago



AGE: 20


HEIGHT: 5’6”


A young and free spirited adult, Penny goes her own direction in life despite anything and everyone else! Her whole life is going against the grain and seeing how far they can go with it. They don't exactly have a direction in life yet, but that's fine by her! She's more of the type to try out new things and see what sticks rather than do one thing for forever. He's just going with the flow of wherever life takes him right now! That's not to say he doesn't have any idea of what he likes, though! He's very vocal and passionate about what's right! They try their best to help out people and need, so they end up doing a lot of volunteering and community service. Though because of how passionate they are, they tend to overextend themself, a lot a lot. He also has a bit of a big mouth. He doesn't really know when to quit when it comes to a lot of things! Which leads to her either getting in trouble or just plain getting worn out by over exerting herself. He might just be a bit blunt when talking, too. He doesn't see the need to color up his true feelings with flowery language. Penny is also Dede's old childhood friend! They'd essentially both grown up together, went to the same schools, took the same classes. Damn near everything they did was done together! They're as tight knit as knitting comes! They might have a small crush on Dede, which they're actually very open about, but Dede never seems to get the hint. Maybe he's ok with this too! He's content to just live by them if that means they get to spend time with them. 

When Dede goes missing in this story, she immediately jumps up to try and find them! That's their best friend after all! They will search day and night for them even if it's not really in the best interest of her health.

LIKES: Running, hanging out, helping others, volunteering, alternative fashion, sewing, drawing

DISLIKES: Fighting, hurting people, 


-Really, is at heart, an extreme pacifist. That doesn't mean she wouldn't punch someone if they deserved it though

-Used to run on the track team with Dede! They just have a crazy amount of stamina and energy to burn!

-Has one arm! Was born without their left arm. Wears a lot of fanny packs as a result just to help her carry stuff around! Backpacks put too much strain on her shoulders

-Pretty much only wears black. Always has some big ass platform shoes on. 

-Always focusing on others and never on themself. Probably chronically ignores his problems