Unit189: Eidan



4 years, 2 months ago


Name: Eidan
Species: Cyberhund
Unit Number: 189
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual [prefers masculine appearances]
Job: Bodyguard/protector/playmate of his master's young son.


Usually gets in over his head and often gets in trouble since he has a bad habit of sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. He's developed quite a talent for sweet talking or cunning his way out of situations.

He loves anything spicy- and often carries a small bottle of hot sauce with him for 'emergencies'! Omurice [Japanese Fried-Rice Omelette] is his favorite breakfast; and yes- he will add hot sauce to it as well!

He loves thrills and pushing limits; and there's a ride at carnivals or fairs called 'G Force' that's his favorite!

He is the bodyguard/protector/playmate of his master's young son; his main job is to accompany the boy when he is not at school, so he usually has a lot of free time when he's in school or sleeping. He will run errands for his master when he has 'downtime' from his regular job.

He is extremely loyal and dependable when taking charge of the young master.