Red's Comments

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OH YO IM SO SO SORRY- i totally zoned and forgot!! Lemme look again

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Alrighty so I looked through and i really dig 's design but I know shes your sister's sona. I think the yokai part of it is super cool though!

Im just curious cuz im looking at your designs and they're all pretty rad: Would you be down to maybe design me a character? You can definitely decline if you want! Id just give you a few prompts/ ideas and you can pick what you'd be the most interested in. Nothing has to be followed to a T, you could just go nuts and have it only vaugely have part of the prompt in it so long as the design isnt crazy complex or hard to replicate.

If not though im down to figure something else out!

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Id perfer freehand if thats ok! But if you dont think it'll look good, be too time consuming or anything else like that you can definitely let me know, i dont want this to be an annoyance for you :0!

I gotta try to nail down some school work right now so while im doing that i'll try to think up a few prompts, you can kinda just go nuts with em once ive got them for you. You only have to draw one of course but having more options is usually more fun.

4 Replies
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AAAA yo im so, so sorry i meant to reply sooner-

you have some pretty cool chars, I really like and but Hawk is off limits i think(?) and Max is a closed species (something I avoid)... So I think i'll dig around again when ive got time and hopefully come up with something :'0 but for now those are probably my favorites that arent like family sonas or anything lol

You also did mention AJ, and I do play that so items are a probability if youve got some you want to trade- though i definitely wanna take another look through your ocs first or see what you think about the ones mentioned :>

again- sorry for taking forever!!

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