Orist Avaluar



4 years, 1 month ago


Name: Orist Avaluar

Age: 175

Gender: Male

Role: Adventurer

Class: Monk

Occupation: Monk of The Mother Brook Temple

Race: Elf

Eye Color: Amber

Hair Color: Blonde

Build (Height/ Weight):  5’11” / 130 lbs

Quirks: Quiet, focused, kind natured, a bit brooding  

Back story:
Orist was raised in a subsection of city dwelling elves in Wrille. His families poverty as well as poor living conditions made it a perfect place for him to learn the skills of a rogue. Though his younger years, he practice sleight of hand as well as petty pickpocketing. When he became a teenager though, his thievery attempts landed him in trouble. After being caught trying to rob a slave trader, he himself was thrown into slavery.  

He spent much of his young life being sold and traded. He was subjected to starvation, horrid living conditions and sexual abuse. By the time Orist had come into his adulthood he had already picked up enough tricks to make his final escape from slavery. His last owner was a Nobel that was known for keeping eleven slaves. She particular enjoyed them for their romantic company and would often kill them once she grew bored of them. After an eventful evening with the lady, Orist was ready to strike. He smothered her while she slept and set her room ablaze. He would use the the confusion and panic to escape by himself leaving everyone in the manor to parish.

Orist spent many years traveling and working as an assassin after that. He made decent money and was growing a name for himself. He was known for being particularly cruel and crafty in his methods. He eventually landed a job to kill a very prestigious merchant in the town of Rimmery. He spent many days stalking he city and learning the patterns of the merchants behavior. One thing he noticed most however, was the merchant's daughter. She was a beautiful human woman with long flowing red hair, tan skin, and sapphire eyes. Orist became fascinated with her and was even so bold as to go to the merchant shop to introduce himself. Her name was Anya Coombs.

In their courtship, Orist discovered that he had forgotten about the contract on her father’s head. He instead spent his days in the city with Anya. It was no surprised when Orist asked for her father’s blessing. He was ecstatic but Anya’s sister, Sage was not. She felt that Orist was too much of a perfect stranger. She didn’t trust him. Anya shook the doubt from Sage and went on with the wedding. They lived many happy years together and found themselves to soon be expecting. 

It was during this time that Orist world began to fall apart. Due to Orsit falling through with his assassination, another person stepped in to finish the job. One night they were visiting Anya’s father and sister. They laughed over dinner and talked about Anya soon being due. A man rushed into the house and attacked Anya’s father, killing him. Orist fought the man off and killed him. They did their best to burry Anya’s father night night as well as the assassin. It was during this time that Sage found a note in the Assassin’s belongings. It discussed the failed assassination and Orist as well.

As Orist buried the man, Sage tired to confront her sister about the note. Anya wouldn’t listen to her sister’s conspiracy though and chalked it up to jealousy. As their argument continued, Anya began having labor pains. Orist returns to the cottage to find Sage sobbing over Anya’s body and small bloody bundle on the floor. Sage explains that her sister went into labor and died. She then held the bundle of bloodied rags closely and said that his daughter was stillborn. Orist, distraught, kneels over his wife's body and begins to sob. Sage chastises him for weeping and states that he has no right to weep, that this was all his fault. She shows him the note from the assassins body. Orist collects himself and promptly leaves.

It was this moment that sent Orist over the edge. He took assassination jobs again but this time, he offered no hesitation. If someone needed to be gutted in broad daylight, he would do it. If they needed to be poisoned in front of their children at dinner time, he was the man for the job. Once paid, he would go blow his money of whores and booze. During a particular run in a whore house, Orist found himself in a familiar situation. He awoke with a pounding in his head and his body chained to a wall. A whore had been paid off to drug him so he could be kidnapped.

He found himself under the possession of a rather horrible alchemist who particularly liked experimenting on elves. He would often bleed Orist, subject him to different levels of pain and collect his sweat and tears, he even crudely cut off the tips of his ears to use in a tonic. This treatment went on for weeks until, finally, his body had enough. Too weak to continue, Orist’s body was thrown out into a nearby river.  When Orist awoke again he was in a soft bed with a warm inviting wood ceiling hanging over him. 

A halfling monk greeted him gently. He explained that Orist had arrived at The Mother Brook Temple and was found in the river by some of his students. Orist had been out for nearly a month and the monk was proud to say that his body was healing nicely. The monk offered Orist a place to stay for the time being but this situation became rather permanent. Orist has served at the temple for ten years, using this time to atone for his sins and take on a most gentle way of living. However, just because his body has long since healed, it doesn’t mean that his soul feels the same peace.

Art by Yruslex 

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