


4 years, 2 months ago


Name: Efeujunges -> Efeupfote -> Efeufrost -> Efeustern
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 72 moons

Rank: leader

Smaller and scrawnier than most boys his age, Satyr is only 150 centimeters tall. His hair is naturally light brown, though he rarely ever leaves it to be its natural color, preferring to dye it a bright green. He currently wears it styled into a mohawk. His eyes are of a similar color as his hair, though a bit brighter, and tend to have a tired or annoyed look to them due to how small and droopy they are. He has several piercings - in his ears as well as his tongue - which rarely ever are the same, though he has some favourites he likes to wear more often than the others. He also has several tattoos on his body. Both his piercings and tattoos can be seen in his reference sheet, which is why i'm not going to describe them in detail here. His preferred clothing style can be seen on THIS pinterest board, but feel free to draw him wearing whatever you think would suit him! :)


Due to his depression and anxiety, Satyr is a highly introverted person who most of the time prefers the company of animals over the one of humans. If interacting with others, he tends to be rather nervous, fidgeting and looking around frequently. He also tends to freeze up if directly spoken to. If he feels threatened, he might react more aggressively, which can lead to others perceiving him as rude. It is only around his closest friends that he shows his real face, being louder, laughing and making jokes.

Likes: anime - manga - video games - music -




Name: Efeujunges (Ivykit) ---> Efeupfote (Ivypaw) ---> Efeufrost (Ivyfrost) ---> Efeustern (Ivystar)

Gender: Female
Sexuality: Homosexual

Age: 72 moons
Day of Birth: Unknown
Star Sign: Unknown
Day of Death: Unknown
Cause of Death: Unknown

Rank: Kit ---> Apprentice ---> Warrior ---> Leader

Family: Bachseele, Flussherz (first litter)
Entenfeder (second litter)
Fischbach, Schwarzwasser (third litter)

Other relationships: Hermes - former mate, close friend
Kohlenstaub - current mate
Flammensprung - close friend