


4 years, 2 months ago


✦ General ✦

A magical beast and an unlikely mix between two different species, one of which can reproduce any sound, including human speach, and the other being unknown. He may look humanoid but he acts like an animal.

His mother was heavily wounded while running away from predators and managed to drag herself and Zlato to safety before dying. Not long after Nioi, a beast-tamer, heard Zlato's crying and followed it to find him. It was a struggle but he managed to take Zlato in, raise him and bond with him, giving him the name "Zlato" as well, though he affectionately calls him Zlatse.

He's an omnivore but strongly prefers meat and loves hunting his food.

✦ Persoanlity ✦

Distrustful and unfriendly, easily aggitated and agressive, but Nioi's tamed him to an extent, so he no longer attacks anyone without being told to. He generally adapts Nioi's attitude towards others, and Nioi is very unfriendly, aggressive and distrustful as well. However, when Nioi is friendly and loving towards someone, Zlato will follow that as well, allowing himself to be cuddled and petted. He likes to go off on his own, but he always returns and very much enjoys quiet company. He's extremely loyal but not very obedient. Loves play wrestling, but because of how sharp his teeth are, even play-bites will leave marks

Notable traits

  • His whole body is covered in very short but soft fur that gets darker and fluffier on his limbs. His "hair" is fur as well, and runs down his back to connect to the tail //kinda like the nina chimera from fma
  • His ears point up only when he's alert
  • He's about the size of an adult house cat but he's still very young, it's not clear how fast and big he's going to grow
  • Can stand and walk on two legs but prefers to move around on all fours
  • He's got an extremely strong bite and sharp teeth, and once he bites down, it's almost impossible to force his mouth open - the more you try, the harder he bites down