Ivan Nkosi



4 years, 2 months ago


Ivan Nkosi
South African/Hispanic
Body Type
Strong shoulders and upper torso.


October 31st • Scorpio • Bat • Black

+Loner, recovering addict finally finding a sense of peace in his life.
+Passionate cooker who finds solace behind the stove.
+Slowly accepting that he isn't a horrible person, and learning to love himself.

Ivan had a horrible upbrining, his parents showing nothing but neglect. Their attention wasn't really towards their middle child and in turn had made his siblings feel the same. There truly was no reason for it, and it had grown worse after a terrible incident involving a family member. Placing all of the blame on him, Ivan began to act out, and unfortunately had spent a larger portion of his teens getting the wrong attention from elsewhere. Around 16 years old, Ivan was caught high trying to steal from a liquor store, but had tripped and injured himself over the broken bottle of booze. The cop, having had sympathy, and growing tired of seeing the same thing happen to such young people. "I'll let you off the hook this time, but you have to promise to get better." This event had triggered something in Ivan, a second change ne had never thought would come, never thought he'd deserved, and a second change he sure as hell took. Having checked himself into a rehab facility he worked hard to get sober, made a new friend who'd help him continue his journey to a better life, moved out and away from his triggers and toxic life leaving it behin him and creating a new path for himself. Now with the help of his best friend, he has managed to find his true calling in life, disocver the true meaning of what it's like to be loved, and just find himself surrounded by positive people who want to see him succeed, something he'll never, ever take for granted. Though his recovery is not yet over, it sure as hell getting there.


  • Food.
  • Warm beds.
  • Boots.
  • Attention.
  • Bones, Skulls and preserved critters.


  • The feeling of neglect.
  • People who wanna start shit.
  • His boyfriend's ex's (they were very abusive)
  • Mental Gymnastics.
"That's fucking weird and I love it."


Ivan really enjoys attention and can become a bit bratty when he doesn't have it, but he honestly is glad that the attention he seeks is now positive instead of negative. He keeps no contact with his family what-so-ever and wants absolutely nothing to do with them. He is slowly working hard to be kinder to himself, and not punish himself for his past choices considering they were done either under the influence or because of awful circumstances.

He is very much in love with his boyfriend, Ford, and his family. Ford's mother has given Ivan a chance to really feel what it's like to have a family that is, well, a family. He also appreciates the patience and kindness both Ford and his best friend, Dante have given him through his most troubling times. His mind is finally not foggy and his outlook on life is not so bleek.


• He has various tattoos in which represent his love for bones/skulls and important, positive parts of his life. They're mementos and reminders that even if life feels negative, a lot of good has happened in his life.

• His choice of clothing is very grunge/goth, lots of blacks and dark tones as well as thrifted band shirts he tears teh sleeves off of.

• Jeans with knee holes.

• Boots, boots for days.

• He is slowly learning about cosplay, anime and videogames because of his boyfriend. He thinks Hatsune Miku is a pretty bad bitch.


• He has gotten into cosplay with his boyfriend, Ford, and it's helped him feel positively good about himself.

• He LOVES skulls and bones and has convinced his boyfriend to display some around the apartment after moving in with him. Same with preserved carcasses in jars.

• He owns a blue tongued skink named Cannoli.

• Along with his septum and lip piercing, he has gauges, collarbone studs, a belly ring and nipple piercing.

• He can be pretty vain, but what's so bad about feeling yourself!




Best Friend.
"You really helped me a lot. I don't tell you enough, thanks for showing me there's reason to keep living." Dante and Ivan are inseperable and he considers Dante to be the brother he wish he had way back when. He's saved him on multiple occassions, whether he realizes or not, and has really appreciated the help his spit fire friend has given him. From helping him after rehab, keeping him sober, to hooking him up with job help and just keeping his head afloat. Dante and his family were and are the kind of people who would drop everything to be there for you, even if it seemed impossible, and it's something Ivan has appreciated ever since and hopes to one day repay.


Jason Ford.

The mysterious IT guy from his boring, but "it pays the bills" office job. He hated him at first. Having never seen him outside of his little room, Ivan had assumed Ford was this bald headed cranky arse who was too pretentious for his own good. Needless to say, when he saw Ford's true physical form, he was that asshole that found him hot- but maybe still a little annoying. Who knew that the other had felt the same, both before and after as well, but acting on it while on the job? Never! That is..until Ivan got fired. The next thing they had oth known, they were spitting I love yous as if they had known each other for years, even if they both denied it. But one thing lead to another, Ivan finding a new job, Ford letting him crash at his apartment...which lead to living at his apartment, which lead to the both of them being inseperable. Maybe what they say about Libras and Scoripios has some truth to it.


Adiel Novákov

Someone Ivan also owes his life to, Adiel had no hesitation in giving him a job at his bar after seeing the potential he had in his culinary skills. After hooking him up with something Ivan had only dreamed of doing for a living, he quit his job and started to work. Adiel is not just a boss, but a mentor, and someone he can really look up to when it comes to business. Outside of work, he's that older brother who's always got your back, and someone you can relate to.




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