Starla Gwynn



7 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info


Starla Gwynn (prefers Gwynn)






Starla Gwynn began her story as a humble magician of water in a faraway village called Loftbury. The death of the Royal Magician and a very unusual reading of the stars lead to her being summoned as the next Royal Magician. Though she didn't really want the job at first (it involved too much refinery and socialization for a shy country mage) she eventually grew into the role and used it as a chance to study the other branches of magic.

There are rumors of a blood-magic cult rising up. No one close to the royal family has had any confirmation about this.Gwynn is expected to put any rumors to rest once she learns of anything.

  • Starla is of the Order of the Unicorn, a semi-prestigious title; she is the first Unicorn to hold the title of Royal Magician.
  • Gwynn is eight years into her post when she finally takes on an apprentice; there was a lot of controversy over this at first, but the issue died down quickly enough.
  • Gwynn had only been to Highspont, the castle's location, once before. Now that she's lived there a long time she firmly believes that cities are stuffy, crowded, and incredibly convenient all at the same time.
  • Despite having a water-focus, Gwynn's favorite branch of magic to study is Stellar.
  • She's most often seen with her one-season staff of water; Gwynn hates the gaudy, four-season royal staff. She only uses wands when tutoring her apprentice.
  • Her current friend group includes: Her apprentice, the gardener, the local Staff-and-Wandmakers, and one fellow on the King's council.