Ebon Falke



7 years, 10 months ago


Name: Ebon


Nickname:  Eby, dusk, Mean Woman, Stiff


Age: 18


Gender: Female


Race: Faunus (Unknown Species, Traits hidden)


 Symbol 2 by azulann


Affiliation(s): Beacon Academy


The Character’s Appearance


Height: 5’10” (In heels)


Weight: 120lbs


Eye Color: Prussian blue


Hair: Charcoal with Platinum streaks


Complexion: Clear and very pale




Outfit Colors:




About The Character


Status: Active


Occupation: Student





Physical Characteristics: (What do they look like?)

Trail of black feathers going down her back



Ebon is by no means an easy person to get along with. Often seen as rude, inconsiderate, aloof, and generally self-centered, many people often question why Ebon even decided to start on the path to becoming a huntress. While her drive may be powerful, it’s also shown to make her very dismissive of others, as she always puts her goals ahead of everyone else in the world. Ebon is shown to be very focused in what she does, and tunnel visions a great deal, and can often become too distracted by her goals to put others into consideration. She typically doesn’t enjoy spending vast amounts of time with others, and feels she works best on her own, making her somewhat difficult to work with as a team, though her team has shown to be very accepting of her nature. She never hesitates to criticize someone she finds fault in, and has been known to argue for hours on end to get her own points across, and can often come off as stuck up due to her intelligence and assertiveness. Ebon is also known to be very collected in most situations. It's difficult to anger her, and she refuses to allow emotion to cloud her judgement in most cases. Her rather brutal and cynical nature combined with her lack of trust for others and seeming disregard for others often make her the last person people would want to go to for help. But isn’t that what she wants?

Despite what people believe, Ebon isn’t completely heartless. While she may seem like an uncaring individual, she is, in reality, just very scared. She trusts herself less than she trusts others, fearing that she will cause the downfall of others due to past issues she believes herself responsible for. Ebon tends to be a very shy person, and can come off as aloof because of this. Ebon is actually a very good-natured person in spite of her outward appearances. Though it takes her some time, she does place value on the lives of others, but has a very difficult time showing it. Her firm nature often distracts others from just how insecure she can be, but she is always willing to listen to others woes. She’s a very attentive friend when given the chance, and has proven time and again to be an amazing friend when it counts.



Fear(s): Failure, Ghosts, Wasps


Likes: Books, Birds, Dogs, Storms, the Wind, Fish, Heights


Dislikes: Rodents, “Fake’ People, Being Late, Failure, the Dark, Elitists



She tends to keep a very straight posture

She likes to braid

She’s picky about details

She hates Slang


Fatal Flaw(s):

Her Tunnel-Vision Focus. Despite her wish to protect that which she loves, her goal causes more destruction to those around her than she realizes, harming many in her pursuit to protect one. She needs to open up to the rest of the world, and realize the value of all life, rather than what she deems as worthy.



    ·         Good-Natured

    ·         Intelligent

    ·         Attentive

    ·         Firm

    ·         Driven




    ·         Detached

    ·         Tunnel-Vision Focus

    ·         Argumentative

    ·         Cynical

    ·         Has a hard time holding a conversation




 RWBY Weapon: Hiraeth Warden by azulann

Weapon Name:

Hiraeth Warden


Weapon Description:

Battle Axe




Relationship With Others


(Section is WiP)


While respected for her drive and strength, Ebon is far from the most popular of people. She has no reservations about making her intentions clear from the start, and isn’t afraid to say that she really doesn’t care about trying to protect those who can’t protect themselves like other hunters may. Many often question her reasoning for wanting to become a huntress, or how she became a team leader, but she isn’t really willing to answer about these issues to others.



Ivory Falke

Relationship: Sister

Age: 17

Status: Alive

Bianca Falke

Relationship: Mother

Status: Dead

Ash Sterling

Relationship: Father

Status: Dead

Umber Falke

Relationshyip: Step-Father

Age: 37

Status: Alive

Jett Siris

Relationship: Half-Brother

Age: 27

Status: Alive



Nick Monta

Relationship: Teammate/Partner/ Best Friend

Age: 18

Status: Alive

Yasmin Silvius

Relationship: Teammate/Friend

Age: 17

Status: Alive

Beau Deniz

Relationship: Teammate/friend

Age: 17

Status: Alive


Nick Monta




White Fang



The Character’s Abilities


Agility:    6/10


Swordsmanship:    8/10


Long Range Accuracy:  4 /10


Defense:   7/10


Offense:  9 /10


Aura:  7/10


People Skills:   6/10


Fighting Style:

 With her Axe or Martial Ars with help of her Semblance


Gyrokinesis (Primarily Barriers)


Special Skill(s):

Night vision


Brief History:

The first of two children born to a Human father, Umber, and a Faunus mother, Bianca, in a small village in the Kingdom of Mistral, Ebon and her sister Ivory were rather content with their lives, despite the less than savory company of the surroundings. Innocence protecting them, Ebon and Ivory had little understanding of just how cruel the world was. The two girls were close near inseparable, and spent a great amount of time with one another, playing and training and everything else one could possibly think of. The two of them couldn’t be happier. Unfortunately, life wasn’t willing to let them alone. When Ebon was 12, Ebon had been left alone with her sister and mother as her father left for the day for business, as was routine. What started out as a normal day, however, quickly spiraled downward as her family was attacked and robbed by some of the unsavory people they dared to call their neighbors, and was knocked unconscious, coming to only to see a mangled Bianca and her sister being tormented. In a fit of rage, Ebon struck one of the perpetrators, though she was again knocked to the ground. Grabbing her sister, the two were waiting to meet the same state as their mother, but were saved by a rather unexpected person. A hunter who had been in the area managed to drive away the intruders, but left almost immediately after, having noticed the girl’s father returning. To this day, Ebon still thinks of the man, endlessly curious as to who he was. Ebon’s mother had survived, but was in a near catatonic state.

Nearly a year later, Bianca was still in bad shape, remaining in a catatonic state. Still, her family continued to cling to the hope that she would one day recover, however unlikely it would be. At least, everyone but Ebon continued to hope. In reality, Ebon knew that her mother was never going to recover, and that waiting and watching for some sign of hope went against everything her mother would have wanted. Her younger sister was too young in Ebon’s eyes to really see what had happened, and Umber was simply clinging to Ideals. Recalling previous conversations with Bianca about situations like this, about living without truly “living”, and after much arguing of this situation with her father, it was seen as best if Bianca was to be put to a final rest. Feeling the failure of not being able to protect her mother or family, Ebon took her mother’s life into her own hands, ending it in the presence of her father. The truth never went beyond those two, and Ivory was lead to believe that their mother had finally succumbed to the damage done to her by the men who attack her. This was still only the beginning of the family tragedy.

Shortly after her mother’s death, the family moved from Mistral to Vaccuo in an attempt to escape the dangers of Mistral, where she would meet and befriend a young man by the Name of Beau. Unfortunately, this did not fix much for the family, as Ebon had a major falling out with her sister, who blamed the men who had attacked the three of them for their mother’s death. What made everything worse was the fact that Ivory had convinced herself that the attack was a hate attack, despite the fact that Faunus had been in the group that had attacked them, and that the two girls, who it was near impossible to tell were Faunus at the time, were also attacked. Not having the heart to tell her sister the truth of what happened to their mother, Ebon was forced to watch as her sister took off, bound for revenge against humans of all kinds. Feeling the loss of her mother and her sister, Ebon had begun to sink into a depression, one which her father had taken note of. To help give Ebon more Faith, he took it upon himself to finally reveal more truths to Ebon. Her father took it upon himself to reveal that he was, in reality, her step-father, her actual father, Ash, having died from disease years before. The second truth/ the fact that ivory was not her only sibling. The man who had saved Ebon on the fateful night was, in fact, her elder half-brother by her deceased father, Jett. It was at this point her step-father suggested, rather reluctantly, that she seek the life of a huntress if she had any desire to find her brother and to save her sister. Ebon too his advice, preparing to enroll into Shade with Beau, who had had similar ideas. Her plans were interrupted though, when a tip came in alerting her to her sisters presence in Vale, causing her to transfer to Beacon, Beau following along. It was from this point that Ebon began her training to become a huntress, bound and determined to save all that was left of her family, no matter the stakes.




She uses her Gyrokinesis to wield her Axe, as many say it’s too heavy to be used on its own

Only a few people know what her Faunus species is, as her traits aren’t readily shown

She alludes to The Black Geese Fairy Tale

She received training from both her Mother and Step-Father, but was able to continue mastering her abilities on hr own soon after her mother's passing

She loves Duck and Fish of most kinds, as well as fruits

She draws strength from her emotions, but can become overwhelmed by them easily, which is why she always acts so stoic

It’s suspected she’s afraid of the dark

Her Semblance is greatly affected by distance. The further something is from her, the more difficult it is for her to lift up, no matter what the object might be

She enrolled in Beacon as Vale was the last place Ivory was supposedly seen

Shes the slowest hitter on her team, but packs the biggest punch

She suffers from random Dizzy Spells, and tends to fall down a lot because of them

Ebon is easily the strongest member of her team, much to the tire of her male companions, Equipped with her weapon or not

Hiraeth Warden is made in such a way that it is too heavy for most people to pick up. Ebon weilds the massive Axe using her semblance to alter it's gravitational pull. 

Yasmin has a habit of standing on the Face of Ebon's axe to get upper hands in fights at times. It drives Ebon insane when she isn't warned.

Ebon's Semblance connects to her emotion, and, as it deals with a Force, the stronger her emotions become, the farther out of control her Semblance can become. This explains why she is able to keep a level head in most situations. If she didn't, she may lose control of her own abilities.

It is often said Ebon has "Eyes like a hawk," and rarely misses a detail. She can also typically tell when someone is lying

Ebon is very capeable when it comes to Martial arts, and can easily fight without her weapon. Her Semblance allows her to throw heavier hits.

While not the best at defending herself from blows, Ebon has an incredible amount of endurance, and can continue fighting for a great deal of time, even after taking extreme amounts of damage

While the Warden may weigh a great deal, It should noted that while Ebon is holding it, it 's gravitational pull is significalty less, allowing others to pick her up easily while she wields it. the moment she drops it, however, it's force again becomes unaltered, and is back to its full weight.

Ebon is a talented Piano Player


“I’m done protecting you. It’s time you learned to accept the consequences of your actions. Starting now.”

“I’m not in this for the glory or to protect some world who could care less about me. I’m here to save my sister before she does something she’ll regret for the rest of her life.”

“Just shut up.”

Weapon: RWBY Weapon: Hiraeth Warden by azulann

Body Chart: Height info2 by azulann

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