


7 years, 7 months ago


Name: Leena Halloran




Age: 17


Gender: Female


Race: Faunus (Sea Lion)


Symbol: Logo Seal by azulann

Story: Selikes Myth


Affiliation(s): Beacon, White Fang (Previous)


The Character’s Appearance


Height: 5’7”


Weight: 115lbs


Eye Color: Aqua


Hair: White/Grey


Complexion: Very Pale




Outfit Colors:




About The Character


Status: Active


Occupation: Student


Handedness: Ambidextrous


Physical Characteristics: Sea Lion Ears



Generally seen as a very agreeable and good-hearted young woman, Leena is as about as good natured as they come. She isn’t afraid of going out of her way to offer assistance to those who need it, and always tries her best to keep a smile up to help ease others. Despite her kindness, Leena is by no means a pushover. She knows when to take a stand, and will not hesitate to defend herself or others from harm. She is exceptionally good at reading people, and can often interpret personalities and thoughts from even the slightest behaviors. She is often seen as very intelligent and wise by others, and tends to give good advice when asked for it. She can be a bit spacey unfortunately, and can easily drift off in thought when focus is not demanded. Leena is an extremely understanding person, and rarely holds grudges against others. This does come back to bite her unfortunately, as she can be a bit too idealistic about things.  Leena has a very open sense of humor, and is a very easy person to joke with. She doesn't usually take things to heart, and enjoys goofing off at times. Unfortunately, Leena can sometimes be a bit too honest in her pursuit to protect others, sometimes unintentionally hurting others feeling, something she then feels very bad about.  She also tends to forget about her own health and being sometimes when in purist of taking care of others. She also tends to be very relentless, and will do just about anything to protect her team and friends. Thankfully, Leena is very able when it comes to combat, and has an unshakeable focus when it comes to the battlefield. Overall, the young girl is one with the purest of intensions, hoping only for a peaceful world to live in.


Fear(s):  Forgetting her Morals, Letting her friends down, hurting others, being abandoned


Likes: The Sea, Helping others, Swimming, Reading, People Watching, Dreaming, Her Coat


Dislikes: Violent people, Unneeded Violence, Being Alone


Habit(s): People watches, Daydreams


Fatal Flaw(s): Leena wants to believe everyone in the world has good in their hearts. She wants to believe she can turn everyone to the light. Unfortunately, it isn’t that simple. Somewhere inside her, she knows that, but she is not willing to accept it.



    ·         Wise

    ·         Observant

    ·         Kind-hearted

    ·         Genuine

    ·         Sturdy in Body and Mind




    ·         Idealistic

    ·         Self-sacrificing

    ·         Spacey

    ·         Overly Subtle

    ·         Insecure about her abilities




 RWBY Weapon: Orphic Tempest by azulann

Weapon Name:

Orphic Tempest


Weapon Description:


Sniper Rifle


Relationship With Others


(Section is WiP)


She is generally seen as a beautiful young woman with a good heart and intentions, as well as a good person to go to for advice



None to Speak Of




Relationship: Teamate, Best Friend

Age: 18

Status: Alive

Gwen Nightingale

Relationship: Teammate


Status: Alive

Belongs to BluBlazeFire0 

Shadow Nightingale

Relationship: Teammate


Status: Alive

Belongs to BluBlazeFire0 




GLDS (Gladiolus )


White Fang



The Character’s Abilities


Agility:    6/10


Swordsmanship:    6/10


Long Range Accuracy:  9 /10


Defense:   3/10


Offense:  7 /10


Aura:  7/10


People Skills:   9/10


Fighting Style:

Prefers her Rifle but is able in Hand to Hand and Melee. Her Weapon uses dust, so even when her spear is out, she primarily uses it to cast



Clairvoyance: Leena has the ability to predict, perceive, an even gain information through great concentration, allowing her to strike accurately and fast. HeR sights are very subtle though, and must be interpenetrated. this allows her to take in information more quickly, and enhances her senses. this is also why she is so Empathetic/sensitive to people and their feelings and actions.

Special Skill(s):

Night Vision

Extremely Observant

Can hold her Breath Underwater for a very long time


Brief History:

Born in the kingdom of Vale, Leena had been alone from a young age, and had been forced to take care of herself for a good portion of her life. She never let this get her down, however, as the young girl learned from an early age how far simple acts of kindness could go. She would never hesitate to go out of her way for others, and took great pride in being able to comfort and protect those who needed it. She eventually found herself in the care of an elderly woman, who would shelter her when needed, and even gave her opportunity’s to work and travel, in turn giving Leena the ability to expand her knowledge and meet new people. Unfortunately, being a Faunus, she was also subjected to great deals of discrimination throughout her life, forcing her to learn how to defend herself. At the young age of 11, Leena find herself joining the ranks of the White Fang, determined to not only protect her race, but also to keep the respect and continue to help those she found deserving of help, no matter their race. It was also during this time that Leena met and befriended a young man named Dylan, a man who knew very well of her connections and race, but treated her the same as he did everyone else, something she felt was a bit rare, but also something she was very grateful for.

Unfortunately, it didn’t take long for things to take a turn. Leena could sense dark times coming. After watching her comrades turn from protest to violence, their very beings twisted, Leena elected to leave the White Fang at the age 15, a year before their leader stepped down, worried for what the future of the organization may hold. However, she was still intent on helping others as best she could, and, as such, was easily convinced by Dylan to enroll in Beacon with him, assuring her that becoming a huntress would be the ultimate form of support for the people of the world. With nowhere else to go, Leena agreed to enroll into the school with her friend, unaware of what the future may hold.


Trivia: wip

Quotes: wip

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