
Alias: Dianna


Blind in both eyes

Former lone wolf

Howl: a weak, warbled cry


Is fast

Is smart

Knows which fights to pick and which to leave

Confident in her position in the pack (not afraid to voice concerns)

Doesn't trust humans or pets

Doesn't like to put up with BS

Doesn't like bossy people

Struggles with paranoia

Oscillates between having a meek view of her past to a vengeful one

Caring about pups, very lenient with them


Mother: Jamie 

Father: Allen 

Siblings: Allen Jr, Divine, Eric, Kelly, Susan

All were killed by an invading wolf pack. Dianna is the last of her bloodline.

New Family: 

The Shadow Phantom


Diana was born into a large and loving family and pack, which she was cared for by as she grew. Life was peaceful until a larger intruding pack came to conquer her birth pack when she was about 6 weeks old. This intruding pack was cruel and ruthless, caring only for themselves as they sought to expand their territory. Diana's pack was slaughtered in front of her. She was frozen with fright before one of the intruders seized her by the skull, teeth mutilating her face and causing lasting scars. Diana struggled until she broke free, fleeing quickly from the area. Over time as the wounds healed her eyesight only suffered until she found that she could no longer see at all. She became clumsy and pitiful, unable to properly search for a new merciful pack to take her in. One day she happened to be discovered by a wolfdog called Demon, who took pity on the wounded pup. Diana was granted a home with Demon and his pack, but she remains terrified of the outside world, often scared to even go hunting.

During her time in Demon's pack the mistrust of humans and pets was imprinted on her, only fueling her paranoia of others. On the one hand the events of her life has caused a deep seated paranoia to bed down within her, and on the other she has become fiercely loyal and trusting to her new pack who have been so generous towards her. Over time she became familiar with the territory around the den and can step more confidentially now. She still does have trouble with weeds though, as they grow quickly and are thus hard to memorize, and may snag her fur.

Other than her paranoia Diana has a good life and is a respected member of the pack. Some may look upon her physical condition and say "Poor wolf, how miserable she must be", but Diana's memory of before the attack is so scarce (she likes to daydream and make up things about it), that she has become accustomed to this state and does not think other wolves should pity her for it. She can still hunt just fine and is very capable; it is really only her fears that hold back her potential rather than her physical disability. It is far different from how she was as a pup just barely out by herself.