Cameron Martinez



4 years, 2 months ago


Cameron Martinez is a 22-year-old reddish pink batmouse with brown hair and green eyes. He's 5'10", has two furred tails, and two sets of horns. Cameron is skinny and energetic. He is social and borderline flamboyant. He's the kind of guy that "knows everyone", even to the point of absurdity. He's also the kind of guy everyone wants to know, and a person everyone wants to be closer to. He is unapologetically and constantly himself, arousing jealousy in Toony, who is jealous of his ability of to simply be himself. Cameron is a talented drummer, but doesn't care too much for the band. He always seems to have other things going on. He drinks often and is often partying with people. He wears very feminine clothes, however, still identifies as male. He is heterosexual, although many mistake him for being gay. Cameron is a Santa Raton native and didn't go to college. However, he seems almost otherworldly in his knowledge of others. While so few can figure him out, he can figure out everyone else to a tee. In this way he seems almost mysterious, and you never know where his loyalties truly lie. While he is very energetic, outgoing, and positive, he can get serious and dark in the drop of a hat. He doesn't let anyone bullshit him on anything. Cameron Martinez is almost a paradox in how he is intimidating, yet so magnetic.