Margo Smith



4 years, 17 days ago


Margo Smith


Full Name: Margo Smith

Age: 19 years old

Gender: Female

Occupation: Hospital "Helper"/ Convenience Store Clerk

Orientation: pan sexual/pan romantic

Voice headcanon: Here



Margo has been Max Welsh's best friend since the near beginning of their lives. From the beginning of preschool to the end of their senior year, they've always been close. Margo was raised by her single father, who is a very famous actor. She grew up in a rich household and throughout her school years she would attract people like flies because of her dads wealth and status in society.  She highly disliked the attention since she was the type of kid to keep to herself in her own little space. Despite all this "luxury" in her life, her home life was more unsatisfactory than met the eye. Her father hardly had anytime to spend with her since he was always busy in the studios and runways. When they were around each other, it was difficult for them to get along because their personalities and beliefs are so drastically different from the other. 

        Margo has never known her mother and her father usually avoids the subject if he can.

Margo would often hang out around with Max and her brothers after school hours almost everyday because her fathers was hardly ever home.



Reliable - Since her father was rarely ever there for her, she mainly tries to be their for others to lean on, a factor that makes a very loyal friend. Of course, as long as it doesn't seem you're trying to take advantage of her.

Patient - Unusually, despite some of the people she's surrounded by, she is incredibly patient and willing to wait for others for awhile, even when she doesn't want to.

Stubborn - She'll always stand her ground and she's very difficult to get to let up, especially towards her father. 



Margo has long and wavy free flowing ashy gray hair, light grayish blue eyes, and pale, almost sickly white skin. She is very tall and lanky and has trouble fitting in small spaces. She has acne scars and rashes around them from picking. She is around 6'9" feet tall. Most of her clothes are explicit art shirts of her favorite music and jackets. she wears leggings and skinny jeans. Usually her hair is out in a long style, or up in bun.

  • Heavy Metal (she also headbangs)
  • Swimming
  • going for walks
  • Mythology
  • butterflies
  • parties
  • crowds
  • skateboarding
  • waking up early
  • heat 

"I don't know, this seems iffy"


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Morbi at mi in nulla vehicula luctus. Fusce vel tempor ipsum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec vitae hendrerit lacus. Fusce eleifend, arcu a volutpat auctor, tellus libero sodales ex, imperdiet iaculis neque nisl a eros. Maecenas ac pulvinar massa. Etiam sed hendrerit turpis, id fermentum lectus. Donec convallis libero nec vehicula placerat. Aenean mauris tortor, pharetra sit amet interdum eu, vehicula in risus.

Maecenas vulputate dui non eleifend molestie. Integer accumsan et justo malesuada accumsan. Integer venenatis volutpat quam non pulvinar. Vivamus pellentesque erat vel est pretium mattis. Cras arcu est, tempus et dolor facilisis, convallis fringilla nunc. Nullam scelerisque elit sed dui iaculis pretium. Pellentesque quam lectus, interdum nec neque et, gravida hendrerit arcu. Etiam rhoncus orci a nisi aliquam, vel pulvinar augue dignissim. Suspendisse tristique ante nec eros eleifend volutpat. Aenean dui ante, tincidunt vitae ultricies a, ornare in urna. Praesent sagittis imperdiet mauris, non feugiat justo posuere a. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus faucibus ut quam eu suscipit.

Max Welsh Margo and Max have best friends since childhood and have a nearly unbreakable comrade bond. Max was the first person to introduce Margo to Ivy. Max is he only friend Margo had that wouldn't take advantage of her because of her wealth and status.

Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa. Nam elementum egestas semper.

Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae.

Ivy Margo's girlfriend since the 10th grade, they've been dating for about 4 years now and have a pretty serious relationship besides how much Ivy goofs about them. Margo is usually nervous about taking anything a step further since she is her first relationship.

Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros.

Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus.

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