


4 years, 23 days ago




  • Name Copper
  • Age either 1280 years or 2 months
  • Height 8'2"
  • Occupation student
  • Race troll
  • Personality

    Copper is like a big kid. She was dead for so long she doesn't remember much, so she's still learning what the world is like these days. She's fairly oblivious and keeps getting swept up in things, but in the end she means well, even if she manages to accidentally cause harm.

  • Appearance

    Copper is half brass and half ice. Her body consists of an outer shell of brass, which is filled with ice. One of her hands is missing, and an icicle has formed in its place. If her limbs fall off, they are easily reattachable, as long as there's some water around.

  • Likes her weird small parents, mangoes
  • Dislikes being in the sun, salty food
  • Backstory

    Copper died when she was 265 years old. She then proceeded to spend the next thousand years as a statue, falling into various stages of disrepair before two different elementals, one made of ice and the other made of brass, accidentally touched her at the same time. Being dead for so long, she basically remembered nothing besides her name, so the two elementals became her "parents." She alternates between spending time with her little pirate dad and teen baby mom.

  • Anchor "dad"

    She likes spending time on his ship, sailing and hanging out with the other brass elementites.

  • Rhi "mom"

    Teaches Copper how to be "cool." (belongs to velvet_taku)

  • Trivia
    • ● can't read
    • ● smells like old wet brass
    • ● can survive in the sunlight, still feels uneasy standing in it
    • ● can survive losing all of her ice, just becomes incapacitated
    • ● doesn't need to eat, still does
    • ● could replace her missing hand, just hasn't gotten around to it

profile html by Hukiolukio