[ Bakugan ] Reine Marin



4 years, 1 month ago


I vaguely remembered I had a Bakugan OC so I thought I'd upload her

also who let this new Bakugan exist? #notmyBakugan

  • I remember more about New Vestroia so I'll put her in that more, I guess
  • 18 (Battle Brawlers), 21 years old (New Vestroia)
  • Klaus von Hertzon pairing cause oof he's still fine to this day ya'll
  • it also took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to remember his name, I'm a fake fan ya'll
  • her family is somewhat rich, so she grew up knowing about Klaus but didn't really get invested in him until they met and battled each other
  • Her attribute is Haos (light)
  • She's not very good at Bakugan, but that doesn't mean she lets others know and rather uses it to her advantage to get others to slip up
  • She may look mature but she's constantly the type of person that questions everything that's going on when the other characters don't seem to
  • She also was the one that cut her hair, and yes she knows it's uneven in some places, please don't point it out
  • get back to me later when I remember what the hell the plot of this anime was