


4 years, 1 month ago


     A very close friend to Merle

     Sparrow is an autistic person. She has a special interest in forests & forest wildlife, & is more than willing to share some knowledge about the topic to someone who’s interested. 

     Sparrow enjoys humming, but she also often does it without realizing, as it’s a stim that helps calm herself when she’s really nervous. When she’s really happy &/or excited, she often stims by flapping her wings.

     Sparrow is very supportive of people being the best and most honest versions of themselves. However, Sparrow generally tries very hard not to not conform to traditional stereotypes of women. She’s afraid people would dislike her for being unconventional, & is afraid of freely expressing herself. It’s as though she trapped herself into a box with a few windows of communication; no one can really go inside her box well, & Sparrow never fully leaves it. 

     Still, this doesn’t stop her from being there for others. She just needs to learn to be there for herself, too.

*Will add more to this profile

Full Name: Sparrow Ephyr 

Gender Identity: Female (Cis) 


  • “She/Her/Hers/Herself”  

Species: Vanthropoid (Open species, feel free to make a character!)

Sexuality/Romantic Orientation: Questioning, but Sparrow keeps trying to convince herself that she’s straight 

Birthday: June 12th, 2001 

Age: 20 years

Personality & Similar: Wistful, Hopeful, Friendly, Unsure, Somewhat lonely, Humble, Unintentionally graceful, Introverted, Anxious, Quiet, Has a good sense of humour, Thorough, Generally forgiving

Representative Music: “One Summer’s Day” 


  • Hobby/Hobbies: Flying (To think more clearly or clear her mind a bit, not really for fun), Humming softly & sweetly, Going for walks in parks & forests (commonly with Merle) 

  • Season: Winter 

  • Colour: Mint Green 

*Last Updated: Thursday, March 24th, 2022