Yunuen Harper



4 years, 20 days ago


[ j uu n uu eh n ]

physical || His long dark brown hair is usually tied back into a loose ponytail that tends to hang over his right shoulder most of the time. When down it reaches to about mid-back and hangs around his face. His almond-shaped eyes are a muddled brownish-green color, though they shine like an olivine stone when light hits them just right. He has dark honey-toned skin. Stands at 5'9" and is 19 years old.

Yunuen's got an average build and square frame. While his visual muscle mass leaves something to be desired, his strength and stamina are not lacking after many years of carrying crates and crates of fruit over long stretches of land. His clothing is generally a shabby pair of pants and shirt, sometimes holey, and worn moccasins. Much of the time he prefers plainly to be barefoot around the village. Every now and then he allows himself to purchase new clothes but for the most part he saves his money for his family to live off of.

behavior || Residing from the somewhat small village of Eufoa, headcount somewhere between 100 and 200 people, he's used to knowing everyone on a first name basis. Friendly, capable, out-spoken, intuitive. Smart-ass from time to time. Impulsive. Rather unversed with romance. Likes to have something to do with his hands if possible, very fidgety. Dependable.

history || His mother owns a fruit stand in which he and his younger brother, Balam, 13, go out to gather what gets sold. They sell vegetables as well if their garden is doing particularly well. Sometimes they and the other villagers are given goods from the capital but it's not often and what they do receive they must pay for. His mother distills wines as well, which earns them more of a pretty penny than anything else and is much more rewarding in trades since no others in the village know how to procure such a delicacy. They live in a small structure behind the stand near the outskirts of the main marketplace strip.

Yunuen uses a bow which was fashioned by his own hand (with the help of his late father) as a kid. He makes the arrows when he needs them and keeps in bundles of 20 at a time. Along with gathering fruit and the like, he often hunts, usually small game to feed his family. 

name means half-moon