Gabrielle Casanova



4 years, 20 days ago


physical || Dark brunette hair with lighter, natural streaks are the long locks that sit atop this golden-eyed beauty's head. She is 19 years of age, though the way she acts varies on the person or people she's with and how she  feels about them. Her skin is fair and almost untouched by the sun as per her parents' over-nurturing hand. If she had her way more often, she would bathe in the sun for hours during her day. It's one of the few things she can't find herself getting away with. Gabrielle only stands 5 foot 3 inches tall and has a slim figure that is cinched even thinner by the clothing she's forced to wear.

Often she's seen in long, formal dresses and high-heeled dress shoes, but that isn't how she wants to dress in the slightest. When she can, Princess Casanova's clothing consists of night shirts and bare feet. At least, when she's at home in her bedroom. She tends to sneak out into the commoners' villages for a few hours now and then before her maids (or whomever is supposed to fetch her, really) track her down and drag her back to her parents' castle. On these little escapades, the girl wears a skirt she'd snipped to a shorter length ages ago with a hooded cloak over yet another article of clothing she cut the sleeves from. She hides these clothes so they won't get taken away from her as they're very un-princess like. She loves arts and crafts so modifying them was hardly a feat.

behavior || The prized daughter of Meschire (meh-SHY-air) has always been a stubborn child; therefore it's not that big a surprise Gabrielle is against this whole arranged marriage business. She is even more put off by the fact that this man is [younger / some years older] than she, and they've never met once in their lives. Yet.

The only reason the brunette hasn't run off and disappeared is because she has an obligation to her family and country to go through with it. She isn't petty enough to just leave without a trace (as capable of it as she is). She's an honest girl and sticks to the boundaries she should when it counts. But that doesn't mean she has to be happy about it. In fact, she wants to make her husband-to-be as miserable as possible so he will call it off and she can get away clean. Or at least, that would be the ideal turn out if the two countries weren't on the verge of war and  uniting their children wasn't, for some reason, the only feasible way out of such events. If he is any bit as stubborn as she, a problem might occur, she's aware of that much. The things she has come to know through her parents' words would suggest he's nothing like her in that regard, however. From what she's heard, he is willing to make it work at any cost. If only for her people, she feels the same, so she owes him respect for that much at least.

As hardheaded as she is, the daughter of the Casanova family is actually quite soft on the inside. She's kind and sweet and all those ideal things a man would look for in a wife personality-wise--but you won't see her genuine self if she doesn't want you to. The only person she truly lets see her this way, currently, is the maid around her own age who tends to her, Ava. The girl is incredibly respectful toward the princess, as she's been instructed to be, but Gabrielle often insists for her to loosen up.

Gabrielle keeps to herself more often than not, busying herself with writing or art. The young woman isn't terribly fond of animals. She doesn't like the majority of them at all and doesn't deal with them whatsoever if possible--horses terrify her up close.  She doesn't care for vegetables, but she'll gorge herself on almost any kind of fruit or sweet given the chance. Her mother often chides her on her figure because of her eating habits but she could care less seeing as there is no appearance of these obscenities. Maybe in ten years she'll wish she listened, but her only concern is living in the moment.