rachel's Comments

Any interest in someone here for her? 

sorry i took so long to reply !! 

i like https://toyhou.se/3251020.tbn but idk if thatd be a fair trade for u ;;

She is worth quite a bit, so I’m pretty tentative with her. However, I will think over the offer a bit more and get back to you!

If you do see anyone else that catches your eye though, do let me know ^^

Hmm, if I did make the trade, do you think you'd be able to add on this gal?

aa maybe,,, someone else was interested in her so i'd have to check w/ them first

btw i looked thru yr charas again and these two also caught my eye!



Ah, alright! Do let me know if they are no longer interested/if you decide to accept the offer!

And would you consider trading Rachel for just the cake bunny, or did you want both?

6 Replies