
7 years, 7 months ago


Characters Name: Tashia

Race: Vixenian grey fox

Sex: female

Age: 24

Occupation: Doxy

Family: Tashia lost her parents when she was quite young and grew up in an orphanage, she quickly ran away and ended up having a few scrapes with trouble, she ended up having a relationship for a while only for that to end badly.

Appearance: 5’4”, willowy and wispy she is pale for her kind and seems almost like she could be a doll

Hair: her hair is dyed a soft pink and is slightly curly.

Eyes: large open sky blue

Fashion: she tends to wear cute and pretty clothes, never as revealing as Trea or Nyra she tends to wear things to make her seem more innocent then she is.

About: She is fully mute and speaks through signing or through motions; this makes the others very protective of her. Tashia meet Nyra shortly after she had suffered a rather bad break up with her boyfriend, Nyra took her home to get patched up. The two became friends with Nyra constantly trying to set Tashia up with new/sweet guys, Tashia though was reluctant and over come with shyness. Eventually after watching how life in the guild house was she asked the madam to allow her to join and be trained. Initially the madam forbids it due to her muteness and her bad past with men not wanting to chance the girl being hurt again. Eventually she relents and gives Taisha a chance and ends up amazed that the girl seems to take to the life so well. She often entertains her friends and at times favorite patrons with her dancing.