


4 years, 13 days ago


Name: Saturn

Age: 21

Species: Human

Gender: Transmasculine (they/he, alternates between the two)

Sexuality: Gay

A strange lad with an affinity for magic who carries around an axe everywhere out of habit. Everyone seems to think they're the next Hero that the prophecy has foretold, but they'd much rather play a supporting role. They're destined for... something, probably. They aren't quite sure what, though... Saturn has a bit of a dry wit and has a deadpan or slightly irritated look about him much of the time, but he has a good heart, even if he might be a bit misguided.

Saturn ended up in a forest maze one day, completely lost, and so they encountered a random Imp. The Imp was terrified of Saturn, but they had no intention of killing him, sensing that he was different from the other Imps, so the two of them got to talking. Saturn made it clear that they weren't going to kill him, that they didn't want the role of protagonist to be forced upon them like everyone had been doing for their entire life. They just wanted to play a supporting role. In turn, the Imp (calling himself Aether) laid out his dreams of becoming a great hero. And so, both of them understood that their goals aligned together, so they became fast friends, going on adventures together and shit!!!!!!!!