


4 years, 1 month ago


Edward "Teddy" is an Olaste of Malayan Sun Bear decent - average size 4-5 feet with LONG tongues. Sun bears are smaller than humans so he'd be more agile than strong and use his powers to be sneaky.

His father was killed for sticking up for his best friend who had an affair which resulted in a hybrid. His death gave his friend enough time to get away with the woman and child taking Edward and his mama with them. The child was named Melu. Her mother died during childbirth, they think her father died as a guard for the underground the same way his friend had. He was actually taken by the elders. Ed’s mother went gathering and was hung by humans after the barrier went down. Underground gives Melu enough money for everything SHE needs since her dad is a hero so Ed needs to pinch pennies.

Ed's daddy was a black bear

Ed's mother (Orsa) was the sun bear.

Melu's daddy was a Kodiak Grizzly 

Melu's mother (Melanie) was a Alaskan Tundra wolf