Dan's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

This character can be given as a gift, exchanged (for art or characters) or resold.

If it is resold, please DO NOT sell it at an extremely higher price    than you purchased, you CAN resell it for more than you purchased under    the conditions -

Do not sell it for an absurd price (example, if you paid 400 points    for it, you can resell it for more or less 700 points, or something    close, nothing too far).

You can add the price of commissioned art, art trades and gifts do not count.

Only valid if it is for money, you can resell it for a much more    expensive price, but I would like to be notified to see if it is really    necessary to do this (for example: paying the bills, doctor ... things    like that.).

Li-two Global Rules

Rules ~

NEVER put your own rules in my designs.

.(in particular rules like "you can only trade back to me" or "you have to let me know before you sell the character" and so on)

..the moment you become the owner of one of my designs, you will be following the rules that I have laid down and that of no one else.


if you took a character for free (either by raffle, gift, fcfs or any other way) you will only be able to give the character for free or trade it (for art or other characters)

.do not try to exchange the character for vouchers or anything like that, as it is the same thing as taking money for something that you took for free, please be fair.


if you bought the character, the value of that character becomes what you paid for.

.you can add the amount of commissions you bought + the value of your own artwork (just don't be unfair when adding these amounts)

..if you sell a headshot for $5 and you made one for the character, then add the value of $5 not $10 (basically add the amount your buyers pay for your art)

...however, shitpost / memes / sketches (poorly done) do NOT add anything to the character's value.

gifts and the like will not have value (since you didn't pay or make the art) / and obviously arts made on bases (free or paid) don't add anything to the value either.

If you took the character in exchange, the value of the character becomes 0$.

.it's not because the character you had was worth 200$ that magically now the design you just changed will have that value, no, the value becomes "0$"

in general, always sell the characters you paid + the amount of commissions you paid + your art.

.is in a troubled situation and is in serious need of money? so you can:

1 - talk to me about reselling the character for a higher price.

2 - go ahead and do it on your own (but I recommend that you talk to me first, or, put a notice to let me know that you are selling the character for a higher price for really important reasons)

(First of all, important reasons are: paying bills, doctor, veterinarian, food and the like. Other adopts and commissions are NOT really important reasons)

and please put it as "ota" or "nyp", people should offer it freely, you will not be able to ask for a specific price, much less force people to pay a high price.


redesigns are allowed, from small to big changes.

.For any and all redesigns made for the character must be kept with the character and NEVER become another character.

..brother / parents and any other relative of the design should NOT have the design based on my design.

...alternative colors and species must also be kept with the character (example: the character is a dog that can transform into a dragon and an owl, so when you sell the character, the 3 versions of it will go together to the new owner)

....using my design with another design to make new designs is also not allowed.


when you get my design, you should keep it for at least 2 weeks.

.do not buy to resell the next day.

..try to not buy impulsive.

...give yourself a chance to connect with the character before trying to sell it.


how you can use my designs -

- you can change gender, sexuality, age and other things like that.
- sonas, mascots, special characters.
- secondary characters, stories.
- any other position and role.
- you can use them commercially (comics, stickers and others) /talk to me before doing this please, i have no issues with this but would like to be informed.
- you can use them in most types of art, including: gore and nsfw * (nsfw for adult characters only)

You can't at all -

- say that my design is yours.
- edit my art.
- to say that my art is yours.
- use my designs for racist, homophobic things, pedophilia, zoophilia and hate in general.


Black list~

blu3sclu3s (on DA) / RawrRawr (on TH) 

Personal reason + I do not agree with one of the rules in that person's t.o.s.


Fallen_disaster (TH)

can interact with me and see my stuff but I don't agree with the "trade back" rule so I prefer and insist that my designs are not trade / sold / given to that person. (After all, the 'trade back' rule goes against my T.O.S)



Personal reason.



They made an offer and didn't get to start making it, they tried to ask me to accept the same offer but for another character and, as I was no longer comfortable with it, I refused, they sent several offers insisting that I accept some offer and when i refused all this person blocked me, so i dont want my designs to be given to they at all, after all, if they blocked me there is no need to have my designs.


not following these rules will result in not being able to participate in raffles, buy my designs and / or art, in extreme cases, you will be blocked. <3