


4 years, 1 month ago


Name: Bane

Gender: Male

Species: Wisc

Rank: Tier 3

Territory: Fourth floor

Age: 318

Hair Color: White (Disguised form) Brown (True form)

Eye Color: Black

Height: 5’2” (Disguised form) 7’3” (True form)

Problems: N/A

Relations: He is bonded to Allegory as their familiar and friendly with Asmodeus.

Physical Description: In disguised form, he appears as a lanky white canine with fluffy fur, large, thin, pointy ears, and a very long, silky tail. His eyes are entirely black and reflect no light. He always wears a black dog muzzle, which prevents him from splitting apart and taking his true form.

In true form, he appears as a male humanoid with pale skin, distortedly wide eyes, no eyebrows, messy brown hair, and reversed teeth on the outside of his lips. He has a witch’s knot tattooed on his chest and an upside down torii on his back, which represents the gate to hell. He has eyes covering his arms, back, and sides. His legs have teeth around his mid-thigh, which do not open; below these teeth, his skin turns black. He wears nothing except for short black boxer briefs.

Personal History: Bane spent most of his life traveling aimlessly, hunting Auvers and sleeping. When he was 268, he chose to reside in a hotel for a while, protecting it from encroaching Auvers. When Asmodeus came into existence, Bane was nervous and often chased him away.  

Over time, though, Bane realized that Asmodeus was not naturally hostile. They slowly became friends, leading Bane to reevaluate his views on Auvers. It was a little after this point that he encountered Allegory and took a liking to them (not romantically), and after a while, he decided to become Allegory's familiar.

Ameris discovered them shortly after and convinced them to join her at Angelwood Academy.