


4 years, 1 month ago


Maia Sommers

Once a farmer in the country of wellstin known as clovercombe, maia is now travelling with 8 other individuals and their companions to find a cure for sickness tearing through the kingdom.

"This is a quote."


Maia is sweet and considerate of others. She puts the needs of her friends before her own, and is used to following orders. She is pretty laid-back and giggly most of the time. Maia tries hard to uphold good manners and always makes sure to be polite when it's needed. Though she is very competitive, and then all manners go out the window. She really likes to win ,and will work hard to make sure she gets what she wants. Maia doesn't always think before she does things, which can get her into trouble. She means well.

"This is another quote."

This is a summary. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis rutrum elementum sem ut facilisis. Suspendisse at arcu et velit ullamcorper luctus vitae eu velit. Nullam sit amet posuere erat. Curabitur mattis velit nec justo pharetra rutrum. Nunc ullamcorper mauris a hendrerit placerat. Curabitur lectus tellus, eleifend eget commodo non, pretium at nibh. Vestibulum volutpat a dolor eu auctor. Morbi feugiat augue nunc, convallis ultrices erat tincidunt eu. Aenean sagittis consectetur dui, at malesuada justo vehicula ac.

Maia always has her bow with her, whether it be in her hair or around her wrist.
loves to do hair. always up to doing others', and can be found often playing with her own. 
this is a fact or fun tidbit about your character. you can make it as long or as short as you like.

A temperamental dragoness. unpopular amongst many and likes to keep it that way. 

"This is a quote."


Ego is Maia's right-hand man. They've grown an incredibly strong bond and can read each other like a book. Even though Ego is incredibly hot-tempered and can be mean, she shows a soft side to Maia that other people don't get to see.

"Sure. I want to see if dogs could fly."


noah is one of maia's best friends. She doesn't feel like she has to hide anything from him and can overall confide her problems to him. they tease each other relentlessly and often bicker and fight like siblings, but at the end of the day they'll always make up and move on. maia loves getting a reaction out of noah. would still never flat-out say she cares about him, though.

Best friend

This is a summary. You can make it long, but you can also go into more detail later on. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


This is a summary. You can make it long, but you can also go into more detail later on. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

"This is a quote."


This is a summary. You can make it long or you can make it short, it doesn't matter. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis rutrum elementum sem ut facilisis. Suspendisse at arcu et velit ullamcorper luctus vitae eu velit. Nullam sit amet posuere erat.


This is a summary. You can make it long, but you probably shouldn't. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


This is a summary. You can make it long, but you probably shouldn't. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


This is a summary. You can make it long, but you probably shouldn't. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

"This is another quote."

Maia grew up in a large family of eleven, out in the country of Wellstin. They are some of the kingdom's most reputable farmers, providing feed for some of the more inland villages. She takes her work seriously and would deliver fresh perishables to the villages alongside her borzoi, Folklore. Maia is able to read and write but doesn't know how to do math. She has always found her day to day life a little boring, and jumped at the opportunity to find the cure for Wellstin.

"This is another quote."

Maia was all around a very well-mannered and polite kid. she always wanted to help where ever she could to keep busy. her idols growing up were her older brothers, and she often mimicked their behaviour to be more like them - which her parents found endearing. maia cried a lot as a baby but it didn't take much to get her to stop as long as they'd have a toy handy or be able to rock her asleep.

animals have always been fond of maia, even when she was little. she never tugged tails or pulled ears and was overall very docile around them. maia had an obsession with them and always begged to brush and feed the animals around the farm, to which her father never said no. Despite her gentleness towards animals there was always a lot of rough-housing between her and her siblings (or the neighbours' kids, depended on the day). there was never a dull day on the sommer's farm, the children coming up with many games and ways to keep occupied. 

maia grew up alongside many of the kids around clovercombe and has never had trouble making friends. even if they hadn't met just by being close by, there's a chance they have through school. even if she was attending more for the social aspect maia was still happy to go, now having some pretty basic math skills and overall decent at reading and writing. 

"This is another quote."

as one could imagine, there isn't always a whole lot to do in a primarily farming-based town. because of this there's been quite a bit of petty drama throughout maia's teenage years. many of the people are around her age so she's always been pretty involved in the squabbles (more-so than her siblings, anyways). 

maia was lucky to have found a pretty good group of friends most of her life. They were nearly inseparable when maia was around 16, but slowly overtime have drifted apart as they've become adults. 

"This is another quote."

This is a summary. You can make it long, but you can also go into more detail later on. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis rutrum elementum sem ut facilisis. Suspendisse at arcu et velit ullamcorper luctus vitae eu velit. Nullam sit amet posuere erat. Curabitur mattis velit nec justo pharetra rutrum. Nunc ullamcorper mauris a hendrerit placerat. Curabitur lectus tellus, eleifend eget commodo non, pretium at nibh.

Ut nulla dolor, euismod id nulla non, feugiat rhoncus enim. Ut eu tristique quam. Vivamus sodales tortor sed porttitor interdum. Praesent ac egestas neque. Vestibulum hendrerit metus nisl, sit amet tincidunt ex semper ac. Vestibulum condimentum leo quis lorem interdum mollis. Aenean interdum ligula at luctus interdum. Mauris id ullamcorper risus. Nam ultricies velit turpis, eu tincidunt tortor malesuada non. Vivamus mattis molestie felis ut fringilla. Donec ac vehicula odio, gravida egestas nibh.

"This is another quote."

This is a summary. You can make it long, but you can also go into more detail later on. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis rutrum elementum sem ut facilisis. Suspendisse at arcu et velit ullamcorper luctus vitae eu velit. Nullam sit amet posuere erat. Curabitur mattis velit nec justo pharetra rutrum. Nunc ullamcorper mauris a hendrerit placerat. Curabitur lectus tellus, eleifend eget commodo non, pretium at nibh.

Ut nulla dolor, euismod id nulla non, feugiat rhoncus enim. Ut eu tristique quam. Vivamus sodales tortor sed porttitor interdum. Praesent ac egestas neque. Vestibulum hendrerit metus nisl, sit amet tincidunt ex semper ac. Vestibulum condimentum leo quis lorem interdum mollis. Aenean interdum ligula at luctus interdum. Mauris id ullamcorper risus. Nam ultricies velit turpis, eu tincidunt tortor malesuada non. Vivamus mattis molestie felis ut fringilla. Donec ac vehicula odio, gravida egestas nibh.