3-H - Nozomi Souda



4 years, 24 days ago




Nozomi Souda
Fine Detail
UA High, Class 3-H

"Hey there! C'mon into my design studio! I love what you got going on, great aesthetic, but I can upgrade it juuuuust a bit!"


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque et egestas risus. Integer vel sodales dolor. Nunc dignissim cursus elit, a vulputate lectus pretium vitae. Praesent dignissim vestibulum nisl, vel posuere massa maximus sed. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed molestie ante arcu, in euismod tortor posuere et. Sed vehicula faucibus laoreet. Etiam et elit fringilla, fringilla purus a, ultricies dolor. Nunc ornare quis nisi fringilla suscipit. Cras volutpat ultrices pulvinar. Nullam metus massa, pellentesque volutpat malesuada vel, vehicula sed sem.








"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean interdum maximus tempor."

  •  Aesthetics, to an insane degree 
  • Designing/sewing hero outfits
  • Koi fish
  • Peaches
  • Drawing and sketching
  • Quirk related migraines/headaches
  • Being pulled away from a project
  • Slow work
  • Losing her damn pins and scissors! 

Quirk: Fine Detail

Nozomi is able to memorize and recount things she's seen, even if its only once and teeniest of tiniest of details. Such as if she takes your measurements, she wont need to write them down, instantly logged into her memory. This can also account to details such as if she's putting a detail on your hero costume. EX, if she puts  beading on it, she can remember the exact length she put between the beads and put it into the details so none of lopsided or too far apart or too close. 

However, she cant do things like memorize an entire text book and stuff, but she is able to memorize key points that stand out to her and she is able to make connections and remember other things based on that detail. The memory of what she has fades after a few days to a week, depending on how much information she memorized at the time was due to her quirk. She also cannot memorize too much over the course of that time otherwise she will start to develop migraines/headaches. They'll start small but get worse the more she memorizes before previous information can fade. The more information she has, the more the headaches/migraines will hurt. 


Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut consectetur placerat purus, nec dignissim purus ultrices ac. Pellentesque euismod pretium vulputate. Ut vel congue dolor, in volutpat dui. Nunc libero velit, rutrum eget cursus in, blandit non nisi.


Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas lacinia, ligula eu pretium gravida, sem lorem tincidunt augue, ut auctor eros ex ultricies era


Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque imperdiet vehicula lectus, vitae lacinia arcu luctus vel. Quisque ultrices, ex non congue consectetur, risus erat vestibulum ante, vitae facilisis nisl nulla quis enim.


Growing up, Nozomi never really wanted for anything, having grown up in a family that was fairly well off her entire life. Her mother is a talented fashion designer and her father is a well known model. The two met during a fashion show where he was assigned to be modeling some of her works and the two sparked and hit it off instantly. Their romance was a quick one, sure of themselves enough that after only being together for a few months, they slid right into marriage, and only a year after tying the knot, welcomed their little girl Nozomi into the world. She grew up in a considerably loving home, her parents being the very mushy, very over the top in showing their love type of people, which also extended to their love for their daughter. Despite their busy schedules and work, they always made sure to have time for her, or even bringing her on the trips they took for work. They did this both to spend time with her, take her many new places, but also to encourage and fuel her passion and love for the type of work they did.
Needless to say, Nozomi did end up growing that passion and spark for fashion just as her parents had. However, it was on a completely different side of aesthetics than popular fashions of the mainstream. While she did grow an almost obsessive love with all different types of aesthetics and looks, she grew to have an attachment to that of hero costumes. From her travels with her parents and their connections, she had been able to meet several popular pro-heroes in her younger years, and while she had liked seeing all the fashion surrounding her parents and it was the beginning to her love/obsession of fashion and aesthetic, she became enthralled with the look, feel, and workings of the costumes that the heroes donned. It didn't take long for that to be all she wanted to design and carried on throughout the rest of her life. 

Nozomi had inherited her mother's sense and talent for design, so even when she was little, she began to draw out the outfits of heroes as well as redesigning those she had seen, an ability that only got better after her Quirk finally made its appearance. However, it took quite a bit of time for her to get the hang of it and its draw backs, spending much a time as a child with headaches or migraines due to taking in too much information. Though this never seemed to hold her down for long, her parents often catching her still trying to design and draw through the pain, a trait that followed well into her teenage years (and becoming a stubborn one to try and break, often needing to be physically dragged away from what she's working on to rest her head). 



  • Nozomi's mother is a fashion designer and her father is a well known model. 
  • She's really great at dancing, having been put into classes of different kinds all her life by her parents, she does enjoy it but her favorite is break dancing. 
  • Her color patches are located on her shoulders down her shoulder blades, sides of her hips and thighs, elbows, feet up to her ankles, and around her eyes and back towards her head.  
  • Her dad calls her "Little Koi", because her color patterns look like a koi fish. She has a fondness for koi fish due to this. 
  • She miiiiiiight just have a crush on the tol, snarky, tsundere boy Kuro that she hangs out with a lot...or it could just be playful flirting...Who knows~
  • If you ask Nozomi's favorite aesthetic, you might short her out because she wouldn't be able to decide and would spend too much time debating them all. So play it safe and just ask her about specific ones, k?
  • ● Nunc et ultrices orci, id hendrerit massa. In mattis interdum augue, vel scelerisque elit venenatis sed.

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