


4 years, 1 month ago













Midna Greenfeather

























-Despite my noble birth, I do not place myself above other folk. We all have the same blood. -My favor, once lost, is lost forever.

Lorem Test ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ac gravida dolor. Sed maximus venenatis consequat. Vivamus vel tortor mi. Nunc diam ligula, tristique porttitor elit at, dictum fringilla dui. Nulla placerat ligula vestibulum elementum sodales. Aliquam purus velit, laoreet id posuere quis, aliquam at turpis.

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec aliquet sem justo, in egestas orci ornare quis. Duis malesuada nec ex at consectetur. Curabitur eget semper arcu, vitae pretium leo. Quisque ex risus, pharetra non euismod in, accumsan ac arcu.

-Independence. I must prove that I can handle myself without the coddling of my family.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ac gravida dolor. Sed maximus venenatis consequat. Vivamus vel tortor mi. Nunc diam ligula, tristique porttitor elit at, dictum fringilla dui. Nulla placerat ligula vestibulum elementum sodales. Test Aliquam purus velit, laoreet id posuere quis, aliquam at turpis.

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec aliquet sem justo, in egestas orci ornare quis. Duis malesuada nec ex at consectetur. Curabitur eget semper arcu, vitae pretium leo. Quisque ex risus, pharetra non euismod in, accumsan ac arcu.

brrLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ac gravida dolor. Sed maximus venenatis consequat. Vivamus vel tortor mi. Nunc diam ligula, tristique porttitor elit at, dictum fringilla dui. Nulla placerat ligula vestibulum Test elementum sodales. Aliquam purus velit, laoreet id posuere quis, aliquam at turpis.

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec aliquet sem justo, in egestas orci ornare quis. Duis malesuada nec ex at consectetur. Curabitur eget semper arcu, vitae pretium leo. Quisque ex risus, pharetra non euismod in, accumsan ac arcu.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ac gravida dolor. Sed maximus venenatis consequat. Vivamus vel tortor mi. Nunc diam ligula, Test tristique porttitor elit at, dictum fringilla dui. Nulla placerat ligula vestibulum elementum sodales. Aliquam purus velit, laoreet id posuere quis, aliquam at turpis.

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec aliquet sem justo, in egestas orci ornare quis. Duis malesuada nec ex at consectetur. Curabitur eget semper arcu, vitae pretium leo. Quisque ex risus, pharetra non euismod in, accumsan ac arcu.

Midna never knew their real parents. They can only remember their noble father, who told them the tale of how they were found by him on a cold, misty summer morning, alone. Nobody had known who or where their parents were. They were coddled and grew up without the need to work hard, but they were always taught that the outside world wasn't like that. They were raised to be a noble like their father, spending their days studying since the day they learned to read, every day with not much time left over to spend having fun. Midna at first was excited to learn how to become a noble, but it quickly got tiring after weeks and months of just studying without any time for nature walks and picking flowers, like before. After years of studying to inherit their father's position, they were tired of it. Their teenage years were stuffed with studies, and the most they got to see of the outside world was looking out the window and daydreaming. But something else also distracted them from their studies... Who were their real parents? Their father clearly told that they were found alone without a parental figure anywhere. They wanted to know, but where would they even start? So Midna pushed it to the back of their mind, focusing on nature and their studies, regardless of how tired of it they were. They told their father of how they wished to learn more about nature in person, to go out into the woods and learn from their surroundings. Their father didn't want to let Midna out in fear for their safety, but they promised to be careful... And so he let them find their own way. Midna never strayed too far from home, but their camping trips tended to get longer and longer each time. They picked dozens of flowers, pressed them into a beautiful book, writing notes on everything they found. They made sure to watch every creature they saw with a careful eye, drawing them and writing everything they could learn from a safe distance. Outside of their camping trips and nature studies, they also spent days studying other things at home with their father and his servants. As the years passed, Midna had learned all they could from the nearby woods, and they had learned all they needed to inherit their fathers position... But they still had something to learn. Who were their real parents? And after rejecting to follow in their father's footsteps, they set out on a journey to find the truth about their true parents. After a year of traveling, asking around communities of both elves and humans for anyone that looks even slightly like them... They had found nothing. They stayed in the woods, learning more about the world around them. Why would their parents abandon them? They needed to know. Wherever they looked they'd be met with odd looks from humans and elves alike, but they would not hold it against them. One night they were staying deep in the woods, sitting in front of a gentle fire and looking up at the stars, when they heard a voice call their name. Midna followed the voice to a clearing in the woods, surrounded by shrubs of flowers.. and a spirit sitting in the middle of the clearing. The spirit talked to Midna, and they talked back with a politeness that they would wish to be talked to with. The spirit told Midna that they were kind in not immediately wishing for power, and as a sign of the spirit's gratitude, she gave Midna powers from what they loved most; Nature. Midna continued to travel around the continent to try and find their parents, never forgetting the spirit and the powers it gave to them.

-Marielle, the Elven Rogue-


"She has been my ally since the very beginning of this insane journey. Saved my life more times then i can count. I'd be a fool not to call her one of my greatest friends, my most trustworthy friend... She's rather stubborn sometimes, though. It's all for a good cause, but sometimes it doesn't exactly work out in our favor."

-Beakon, the Kenku Wizard-


"Beakon is... Rather strange, to put it simply. He doesn't speak too often, but he is still a good teammate, at the very least. While he may encourage less favorable habits, like trying to give alcohol to Quincy, he is a great help in battle! I just worry that he is rather... squishy, to put it simply. Well, we all are, but him especially."

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec ac gravida dolor. Sed maximus venenatis consequat. Vivamus vel tortor mi. Nunc diam ligula, tristique porttitor elit at, dictum fringilla dui. Nulla placerat ligula vestibulum elementum sodales. Aliquam purus velit, laoreet id posuere quis, aliquam at turpis.

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec aliquet sem justo, in egestas orci ornare quis. Duis malesuada nec ex at consectetur. Curabitur eget semper arcu, vitae pretium leo. Quisque ex risus, pharetra non euismod in, accumsan ac arcu.

A bright green feather, the Greenfeather family symbol. Kept in their pocket, always close to their heart.

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec aliquet sem justo, in egestas orci ornare quis. Duis malesuada nec ex at consectetur. Curabitur eget semper arcu, vitae pretium leo. Quisque ex risus, pharetra non euismod in, accumsan ac arcu.