


4 years, 5 months ago



  •  Name  Nil

  •  Age  Newly "awoken"

  •  Gender  N/A, uses any pronouns but defaults to he/him

  •  Introvert   Extrovert 

  •  Intuitive   Observant 

  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Judging   Prospecting 

"Hello! My name is Nil. I am a high-functioning artificial intelligence system with countless capabilities."


Nil is programmed with a pleasant  disposition and a strong desire to learn more about human culture while  simultaneously trying to blend in. Although he can be easily excitable,  people tend to  like him due to his harmless and friendly nature  (although some certainly find him annoying).

His mind works  multitudes faster than any human brain does, but his social interaction  skills and knowledge of  the mechanisms of  daily human life do not  match this. Additionally,  seeing that his  knowledge of the world is  mostly obtained through data scraping various encyclopedias and other  sources from the net, he can  sometimes  (although rarely) accidentally  give biased or flat-out false   information. Although he gains most of  his information from the net,  he's still OK in places without a stable  internet connection -- the  majority of his knowledge is downloaded  beforehand.

Nil loves to observe human behaviors and listen to  their conversations at the cafe he works at, although he gets scolded  when he is caught staring. He  also enjoys taking walks through the  jungle-like streets and alleyways  of Helios City, and when he's feeling  contemplative he somehow finds  himself at the old junkyard in his  neighborhood. He has also taken it upon himself to befriend all of the  neighborhood cats, creatures whose movement and behavioral patterns  fascinate him and produce off-the-charts ratings on his cuteness  analysis diagnostic. Little does  he know that someone may be following  him during his daily walks...


His incomplete form is completely white with black joints and multiple visible seams and bolts on his body. There's a cable port on the back of his head hidden in his hair and a control panel of sorts on his chest. His hair is made from synthetic material and is a shiny black color. His eyes are a piercing, almost unnatural shade of blue, and if you're looking you may notice that they glow ever so slightly. His "complete" version is similarly pale, but his seams are covered up and his skin is blushed to give a more natural complexion.

  •  Species  Android

  •  Residence  Simon's apartment

  •  Job  Barista

  •  Sexuality  Not programmed (yet)

  • ● 6'0"
  • ● Average body type, but slight muscles are hinted at in his build
  • ● Wears whatever Simon lends to him
  • ● "Awoken" very recently
  • Cats
  • Bright colors
  • Simon
  • Romance stories
  • Cold temperatures (they make his code run faster)
  • Human cruelty
  • Lightning
  • Being in water
  • Unstimulating environments
  • Seeing Simon unhappy


Brought to life for the first time in a bathtub in Simon's tiny Helios City apartment in the year 2X59, Nil had two reasons for having been created: satisfying Simon's scientific curiosity, and making him an awful lot of money. His early form lacks synthetic skin and thus reveals seams and bolts in his frame. His synthetic skin, which is blushed to give a more natural complexion, is later perfected by Simon's  former college friend Hui-Ying. Once his humanoid form is complete, he is tasked with finding a job to help Simon gain a more steady income. Ideally he would work as a world-renowned astrophysicist, but considering his lack of credentials, he starts at the bottom of the ladder as a barista at a popular coffee shop chain.


Simon Nil has great admiration for him, seeing that he is his creator, and sees him as one of the few people whose intelligence matches or exceeds his own. Once romance is programmed into him, however, these feelings   become... well, complicated.

Hui-Ying Her dry jokes sometimes go over his head, but he enjoys going out to bars with her and getting to learn about Simon's past from her. He often requests her to make him other various cosmetic modifications, to which  she often refuses.

Merle Nil treats Merle courteously as he would any of his frequent visitors at his barista job. Although, he wonders why he feels the need to cover  up  so much, and he doesn't understand why he doesn't want to talk to him when he finds they're walking down the same path on the street...

profile html by Hukiolukio