
4 years, 5 months ago


Name:  Nelson       Age: 25     

Species: Scorpion Cheetah

Personality: Nelson is always Distanced and doesn't Show any Emotions. He is adiccted to bis own Venom and is also a Serial Killer. Lucky for him he is not caught yet but he has the tendenze to lose the control over himself and may make a mistake. He can be very charming and cunning. He has no Friends and is unable to make any Bonds. But he also has deep in his cold behavior also a Heart. He is always nice to Kids and sometimes play with them. 

Likes: Blood, Gore, Torture, his own Venom, Knives all kind, Meat, Nature Desasters, Desert, beeing Alone, Night

Hates: Love, Music, Friendly People, Vegetables, Guns, Chocolate, Sunshine and Daytime, Partys, Firework 

Little bit Backstory:  Nelson is born as a rare Hybrid of a Cheetha and Scorpion. He tried to live normal but he was handelt as an Outsider in his childhood. He learn to Control his Emotions After he attack out of Rage a classmate with his Scorpion Tail and nearly killed the Kid. He discovers that his Venom can be deadly for others but Sets him in a state of euphoria. His fur Colour changes from the natural yellow to the bright Colours that are the result of his new Addiction. Also a strong Side Effekt is that he gets bloodthirsty and complety lost his  Emotions. He only Feel free and Happy wenn he use his venom and kill somebody. He Observ his preys and learn Everything about them so that There will be no Problems or testifys.