


4 years, 2 months ago



He/him || Gay || Trans Man || Late 30s/Early 40s

Born in Florida to middle class parents who weren't even sure they couldĀ have a child, due to certain complications; as a result, they had placed themselves on an adoption waitlist, and, two years after Arthur was born, they took in a second child as a baby. Arthur and his brother were extremely close as children and on into their adult years, and both stayed with their mom when their parents divorced. Later on, Arthur would marry, and his brother was at the wedding - a second best man, rather than the bridegroom anticipated. Arthur didn't figure out a lot about himself until it was very late. Had two kids with his husband, and his brother was alive to see their early years, but they were barely toddlers when he was murdered.

Arthur, understandably, did not cope well with the loss. He was incredibly, wildly upset, and it took a few years and quite a lot of therapy (and several therapists, not all of them good) to get his grief under control. During that period, though, he realized a good deal many other things about himself. When he came out as trans, his husband promptly divorced him, wanting nothing to do with him (or the kids) ever again, but by that point their marriage had already been strained, and Arthur shrugged and resigned himself to trying to be a better dad than he'd ever been as a mom. It... worked, well enough; his children loved him, and always had, and they managed to get by just fine.

And then, one day, Arthur received a phonecall from his dead brother.

What else could he do? He packed the kids and car and everything from their old life and drove off into the west, to track down the brother he'd long lost...