


4 years, 2 months ago



Name LightFoot
Gender Female
Rank Deputy
Clan ThunderClan
Mentor -


LightFoot was born as a rogue, with her family being kind of a leaders of a peaceful stray cat group who help out strangers and abandoned kittypets. She grew up happily with her parents, older brothers and a younger sister. LightFoot always had interest in canines, slowly learning to communicate with them, quickly making friends with several foxes and dogs. When LightFoot was a young adult, more and more cat started getting injuried, and she found a few of her fox friends dead or hurt, appearently by the clans cats. Her anger hit the limit, when a small group of cats, led by RainStar and EchoHeart came to the group gravely injuried, claiming they got attacked by ThunderClan and had three of their group members killed. LightFoot decided to sneak out, and get as much canines as she could to attack ThunderClan with her. She menaged to convince Snap(street fox), a vixen and her two kits, a young fox, and a homeless german shepard who had his eye slashed by a clan cat several moons ago, LightFoot, being really confident thought one clan can't be that big, and she could easily defeat them. During the attack, she quickly discovered, no, her group can not defeat the enemy, all canines got quickly pushed back, with all of them exceot Snap, who wanted to defend LightFoot, fled. In the last attempt to hurt the clans, LighFoot tried to attack the leader, just to get attacked and pinned down by OliveBranch. She screamed for Snap to run, what he relucantly did and admitted defeat. Expecting getting killed, she was surprised to just be put in a prisoner den, and being given some pray and basic healing for the scratches, along with questioning from AlbinoStar.

From that she learned that as much as ThunderClan was attacking foxes on their territory, they never met EchoHeart and her supposed group, and RainStar was appearantly dead. That was the start of LightFoot starting to trust the clan a bit more, and with time she actually got attached, becoming friends with OliveBranch(who apologized several times for injuring her) and GrapeTuft. Soon she became a full warrior, and just when she was planning to take a trip to her family and say she is ok, they came to the clan territory, along with a huge group of cats, inculding EchoHeart and RainStar, who were actually dark forest cats. The group announced war against the clans, believing LightFoot was kidnapped and brainwashed. During the biggest battle, LightFoot and FernBud had a plan to light the fire, causing the fight to break and all cats to run away. Plan backfired, LightFoot's brother got badly burned, and while she was dragging him away from the fire, she would be crushed by a burning tree if not OliveBranch and Snap coming in to grab them and carry them to safety.

After FernBuds final showdown with EchoHeart, and declaration of peace after the fire, both groups were both depened on eachothers help to recover, wich made them closer, as the both groups acknowledged their mista,and she became AlbinoStar's deputy, loyal to him to death, and with a lot of love to her clan, hoping to keep peace.


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Amet mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet porttitor lacus luctus accumsan. Ultrices dui sapien eget mi proin sed libero enim sed.

Design Notes

  • Her fangs poking out is a must!!!
  • She has eyebags, and a shoulder and cheek scar!!!
  • She is "basic cat" shaped

  • Prefix her mum thought this name is pretty
  • Suffix same as suffix
  • As an ex rogue, she got her name not from the clan, and it was a coincidence it matches the clan traditions
  • She is asexual biromantic, and is not interested in having kits
  • she can speak canine language
code by jiko