Jenna's Comments

Hey, OMG I can't believe I found this character again! I believe I sold her back in 2020 or 2021. 

I was wondering if there's any way I could get her back? It doesn't have to be right away, but if you ever do decide to sell her could you please let me know? That would be SO very appreciated. I'm so glad to see she's still kickin' 😭💜

You can !

Oh seriously? That would be great! What are you interested in for her? I can offer art, OCs, and USD. The USD will take me a bit to gather since conversion rates are a pain in the neck but yeah. 

Im mostly interested in ocs !

Ok. You can look at anyone outside of the mains folder. Warren, Jessie, Imari, Jangles & "on hold" folder are off limits. LMK if anything interests you. 

Ok! I’m really interested in this guy but since he dosent have any art and I’m just a tiny bit attached to the character your offering for , could I maybe add another OC from your TH onto the trade or £5 or less onto the trade?

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