


4 years, 1 month ago


Ruins investigator, goes on trips with his weird psychic deer dog thing. He comes from a world where civilization used to be a lot more advanced than it is now, but none of the old technologizes seem to work.


Civilization used to be much more advanced, due to a sudden and unforeseen discovery that opened their world to significant advancements in a short amount of time, using a resource that was more than plentiful. Computers, screens and automated creations allowed these people to focus on the arts, and not have to worry about survival any longer. Though the people of this time were cautious to not damage the land around them, and keep civilization to small sections, allowing wildlife to flourish. This was likely what lead to their ultimate downfall, though not much is known about what exactly occurred to force the people of the land to caves, abandoning their technologies. A thick dark smog covered the land, and those who left the caves rarely made it back. They returned to work in small communities of 30-40 people, unable to expand more than a mile out from their cave systems. The little land they did have underneath sunlight was used to farm. Homes remained inside the caves. They had completely forgotten about the past, stuck only to think about what was occurring around them.

One day, however, the smog seemed to have vanished. It wasn't so much a slow recovery, but something of a burst. People were hesitant to leave their settlements, but Laius was quick to set off, finding their small communities suffocating. He, along with the other brave souls, set off to connect the small settlements together. Roads were built. Signs were made, and through-out this journey they found mutated, odd creatures that were far from similar from the small population of creatures they saved from the old world. Following an odd deer-like creature out of curiosity one day, Laius found the ruins of the old civilization. The creature could speak to him through his mind. Soon Laius began to travel with the intelligent beast, who offered guidance as he attempted to figure out what happened to these old people, who were not bound to caves.