Carina [Codename: TNTina]



4 years, 16 days ago


Truth is as straight as an arrow, while a lie swivels like a snake.

TNTINA [Carina]

[ About ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque faucibus orci dui, nec accumsan arcu efficitur quis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Donec est magna, maximus in orci nec, pretium lobortis risus. Pellentesque vitae vulputate eros. Proin in ante et nisl aliquam laoreet nec at nunc. Pellentesque porta malesuada lectus, nec egestas augue lacinia sed. Aliquam eleifend ex quam, id facilisis massa laoreet ut. Mauris accumsan velit ac fringilla pellentesque.

Quisque at iaculis nisi. Vestibulum sit amet velit quis ligula lobortis volutpat. Duis at sapien convallis, posuere nunc nec, eleifend dolor. Integer placerat pretium efficitur. Quisque eros nibh, aliquam ac metus et, eleifend ornare turpis. Integer vestibulum dictum iaculis. Sed faucibus felis at pellentesque placerat. Cras dignissim nibh id diam placerat euismod nec id leo. Cras tincidunt lectus quis erat tincidunt, in pellentesque velit fringilla. Ut et urna quis justo malesuada laoreet. Duis sit amet risus at justo condimentum porta. Donec luctus facilisis nisl ut sodales. Vestibulum mattis rhoncus mi, in imperdiet sem elementum placerat.

Quisque at iaculis nisi. Vestibulum sit amet velit quis ligula lobortis volutpat. Duis at sapien convallis, posuere nunc nec, eleifend dolor. Integer placerat pretium efficitur. Quisque eros nibh, aliquam ac metus et, eleifend ornare turpis. Integer vestibulum dictum iaculis. Sed faucibus felis at pellentesque placerat. Cras dignissim nibh id diam placerat euismod nec id leo. Cras tincidunt lectus quis erat tincidunt, in pellentesque velit fringilla. Ut et urna quis justo malesuada laoreet. Duis sit amet risus at justo condimentum porta. Donec luctus facilisis nisl ut sodales. Vestibulum mattis rhoncus mi, in imperdiet sem elementum placerat.

[ Personality ]


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ISFP-T Type, 'Adventurer'. More personality is a WIP.

[ Basics ]

AGE 38 Years

D.o.B. April 18th

GENDER Female (She/Her)



RELATIONSHIP Engaged | Taken



RACE Human

RESIDENCE Random Shadow Hideout


ELEMENT Explosives


[ Story & Trivia ]

[EARLY CHILDHOOD AND HISTORY] -- Carina was born in a relatively normal family, or so it would have appeared at first. Her mother, a nurse and her father, an engineer of some kind were never around for much emotional bonding. Most of her life she instead had spent with her older brother. He was as all boys were, fascinated with fast things and always moving on from one thing to the next, liking causing chaos and destruction, more specifically experiments that ended up exploding in someone's face- so it wasn't hard for Carina to pick up those habits herself. Their age gap was one of roughly ten years, though mentally they always seemed to be on the same page. One year in her early teens, he started coming home less and less until eventually he had left without a word. Carina, at least, had gotten a note that she had kept carefully hidden from anyone, as it read; 'I'll come and pick you up when you're older.'. Ofcourse, she didn't understand it, but years passed and her fascination caused by her brother for bombs and anything explosive had not ceased. She had become known for her violent tendencies, often blowing up cars for the fun of it and ending up with multiple counts of destruction of private property.

[TAKEN BY SHADOW] -- Carina, with the lack of care around keeping a low profile as she grew of age, naturally started attracting the wrong sort of attention over the years. Somewhere out there, an organization lost their high profile explosives specialist. With a mission coming up and a need for someone who knew what they were doing, they turned their eyes on the family of the expert that had been lost. They found that his sister had grown to have the same affinity for the destruction that he was in charge of, and so they set out to kidnap Carina, both to entice her to join them and to recruit her for the mission, willingly or not. At that moment in time, Carina gets kidnapped whilst she had been out, dragged to the SHADOW organization and it is where she met her captor, Spectre. Of course, being kidnapped wasn't exactly something she was ever prepared for, and thus wasn't in a very solid state of mind. While it took a lot to get her to combust, the pressure of being in an unknown place, threatened with who knows what, not knowing if she'd make it out alive - - that already got her nearly to the tipping point. When she was told the reasoning of the abduction, she defiantly rejected any notion of cooperation- not willing to put people's lives at stake. Personal property? Sure, but not lives. Of Course her refusal didn't go unnoticed or unpunished, so with her trying to rack her thoughts about what to do, she came to the decision to try and bond with the agent in charge of her. It became easier the more he stayed with her sometimes, though frustrations between them often led to a steam filled room. She assumed it was merely to get her to cooperate, and assumed he knew she was in it for her survival. It took the edge off the whole situation for her and she finished what had been asked of her.

[THE MISSION AND THE AFTERMATH] -- Carina is brought along to the mission to infiltrate Oro's tomb, having to place her bombs and explosives ahead of the two agents so that her life was put at risk and not theirs. Naturally, they worked perfectly and made for a quick and easy entrance into the tomb. Before she could go far in with them, Spectre had turned and given her the opportunity to flee. With it having been a goal to be free again, she had taken it without second thoughts. Outside, she didn't know where she was or how she'd get out of there; wandering until she felt she couldn't any longer. She managed to somehow find a place to stay, a small shack with seemingly nothing in there. Although she realised very quickly she was not alone there. What she found, or rather, who she found, was more than surprising.

[REUNION] -- Carina, after wandering for hours if not half the day, trying to find some way to get back home- wanders into what she thought was an abandoned shack; only to be reunited with her brother, Splode. She finds out then that he had joined the same organization that had kidnapped her many years ago, lured in by promises of chaos and destruction. However he became a liability when his mind turned less than stable, and as a precaution they had locked him up only to release him when he was needed. While she did try, she realised soon enough that the closeness they had before wasn’t there anymore and instead she decided to just take shelter with him while she recovered from what had happened and plan what to do. She didn’t know if they would come after her again or not, and she wasn’t exactly willing to risk that either.

[TAKEN P2] -- Carina ends up spending several years with her brother, sometimes thinking that she could get through to him- usually accompanied with exploding something with him. With her there, she realized just how careless he was in his explosions and destruction, almost daring Shadow to find him again. Needless to say, it was a bit a matter of time. Whether they had come for her or for Splode, she didn’t necessarily care to find out- but when Agent Redux showed up she was promptly captured again. Splode escaped in the ruckus of several explosions and bombs going off that he had rigged the place with.

[RESCUED BY GHOST] -- Back at Shadow again, Tina was now faced with interrogation about what had happened in Oro’s Tomb. Spectre wasn’t there- supposedly having deserted Shadow and Agent Redux determined that she knew where he was. No matter how much she spoke and endured, it didn’t quite catch on that she had no idea what he was talking about and that she hadn’t seen any trace of Spectre in the last eight years. Before it could escalate further, Shadow was attacked and in the commotion, she was promptly rescued by an unknown party and escorted to safety. Having been blindfolded, she knew nothing about the new location or the agents there until it was removed. She was now in the hands of someone who claimed his name to be ‘Midas’. He makes promises of safety and security while she is there, giving her the time to recover from the shock again. Knowing that she had no place outside of there to go to- she stays there and becomes accustomed to the place. Eventually, she decides that she wants some revenge of sorts- for the numerous kidnappings and the treatment she had gotten when she was there. If her making bombs for Ghost would help her do that, she would give it a go.

[BECOMING TNTINA] -- Carina begins a new life as a Ghost agent under the name of TnTina- a codename that still was close to her actual name while also giving away her profession. She grows closer to Midas and Brutus, two of the founding members of Ghost and learns how to handle guns and how to protect herself. She gets a liking to the bow, adding explosives to her arrows that would explode on impact. Rapidly, she finds joy in the practice again and at least becomes accustomed to her new life. As she grows closer to Midas, she develops what she considers a friendship with him. A bet with Brutus results in her sleeping with him, and after a whole lot of back and forth the two of them met more and more behind closed doors. She begins to care for him tremendously, falling for him easily and swiftly before she even realizes what happened.

[TAKEN P3] -- Tina’s security in Ghost and her being with Midas eventually ends up seen as a distraction by Midas’ close friend, Brutus. Unaware of his feelings regarding their relationship, Tina follows Brutus when he asks to meet her privately- falling straight into a trap the man had set for her in order to get rid of her with Shadow’s assistance. She is taken for the third time to a Shadow location, knowing that without a gun she wouldn’t stand a chance and thus doesn’t struggle. Midas, in a fit of rage, eliminates many of Shadow’s agents in a rescue attempt- and it is then that Tina finds out from conversation that Midas is Spectre, her captor from years ago. She is freed by him and they return to Ghost after striking a tremendous blow on Shadow’s facility and agent count.

[DEEPER INVOLVEMENT WITH MIDAS AND GHOST] -- After the revelation that Midas is Spectre, Tina doesn’t quite know how to take the information. It shakes her up quite visibly, and she becomes quickly agitated with him in several conversations. Not only does it mean that he had been the one that had kidnapped her, had fucked her, had saved her-- but it meant that he had known who she was and had lied to her. Eventually, she comes to terms with her feelings after a long deep thought and conversation with herself. The feelings she feels for Midas were still intact regardless of his betrayal, and she realizes this. They grow closer than ever, Midas even going as far as proposing to her which she (reluctantly) accepts, only because she knows it would put him at ease despite it not being necessary for her.

[MIDAS GETS KILLED, TNTINA GOES ROGUE] -- After a couple of years, Midas gets lured out by Shadow and subsequently killed. Tina is unaware at first, thinking he was just out- but the longer he didn’t return the more her concern grew until eventually Shadow announced the death of the Ghost leader. It shattered her, locking herself up in their room for a week, refusing to be seen by any agents who perhaps thought she might be able to lead them from now on after having been so close to their previous leader, but instead she disappears leaving only a note that none of them should fall into Shadow’s hands.

She uses Ghost resources to locate Splode again, going out to find him and recruit him to her personal cause; to bring revenge to Shadow’s door. No matter if he wanted to help or not, she forces him to. Together, they target several Shadow safehouses and stations, striking quickly- blowing everything up with arrows detonating on impact from her, and a sniper that shot a bullet that exploded after impact from Splode. She wouldn’t stop until she brought them down.

  • Carina has a high end Master's degree in physics and science.
  • One of her favourite hobbies used to be surfing, though naturally has not had the chance or time to do it again after becoming employed by ghost.
  • She has a deep fear of heights when she's not connected to the ground in any way. Surfing a high wave was always fine, because the wave connected her to the sea and to land, but skydiving? Oh no, she absolutely hates doing that.

[ Relationships ]



Carina's relationship with Midas was very complicated, at first. Their initial meeting was in Shadow after he was still known as Spectre. In order to get her to co-operate for the mission, he attempted to befriend her, which succeeded. Despite her leaving the moment she could, she never could stop thinking about him on occasion, wondering if he was okay. When she was, eventually, kidnapped and rescued by Ghost she found him once more though didn't know it was him. In fact, the only reason why they even grew as close as they did then was because of a bet she had made with his friend, Brutus. One thing had led to another and the pair ended up not getting enough of each other. When Midas was killed, she took it harshly and locked herself up with information gathered by Ghost, before disappearing the week after. She teamed up with her brother, now only known as Splode, and later on with Midas' daughter, Jules, to take down Shadow. She had vowed to personally go after the ones that had betrayed Midas, making sure she would kill whoever was involved.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sed venenatis ante. Vivamus pharetra mi eu rutrum efficitur. Nullam vehicula nisi eu lorem vehicula tincidunt. Integer auctor ut nunc id volutpat. Mauris tellus neque, iaculis id pharetra ac, rutrum ut tellus. Proin dictum a tortor sit amet luctus. Morbi id suscipit orci. Quisque quis pretium enim. Aenean tincidunt libero at felis luctus faucibus. Ut malesuada dui eu mi dignissim, eget rutrum elit finibus.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sed venenatis ante. Vivamus pharetra mi eu rutrum efficitur. Nullam vehicula nisi eu lorem vehicula tincidunt. Integer auctor ut nunc id volutpat. Mauris tellus neque, iaculis id pharetra ac, rutrum ut tellus. Proin dictum a tortor sit amet luctus. Morbi id suscipit orci. Quisque quis pretium enim. Aenean tincidunt libero at felis luctus faucibus. Ut malesuada dui eu mi dignissim, eget rutrum elit finibus.