


4 years, 2 months ago

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Masterlist Entry

Beblune, Child, Neutral (he/him, they/them)

Nokris is more on the timid side and tends to keep to himself, often fearing being too open about himself lest he be ridiculed for it. Despite this shyness, he shows a keen spirit intent on trying to support others, even if he's not sure how, and a general knack thinking creatively. Unfortunately, he has trouble sticking up for himself which often means his more out-there solutions to problems go ignored and untested, as he backs down as soon as they are critiqued or questioned.

FleeceFur Farm
Sekris Family

Canine face (uncommon)
Long ears (rare)

Not A Failure

Nokris grew up in the care of his father, Sekris, though most wouldn't call him much of a father. Nokris was neglected constantly through his life, and though Sekris was never physically abusive with him, his words bit like a snake. Nokris was shunned by his father for lacking any type of future seeing abilities and not having a strong connection with the world around him. This culminated in him fleeing his home, believing himself to be unwanted and worthless.

He was later taken in by Eggnog, who showed great interest and support in Nokris's journey to find his own passions and talents, going out of her way in aiding his self-discovery. While Nokris still hasn't found a "dream" hobby or anything, he's learning to be more confident in his pursuits and is becoming more willing to share his interests with others without fear of backlash.