


4 years, 1 month ago


Traitor - Theme song
Rush - Alt Theme
Love Me Dead

He stans Daughtry, Set It Off, and The Score

Another Outcode, gonna add him to the group with Hue

His white and creamy blue eyelights turn red when he's using magic/angry. His blush is white, and sometimes pinkish red. His bones are a very pale crimson-white
The mark on his head is the Clip Studio Paint logo- That of which is his namesake.

Will be working on him later. So far i know he can travel through some AUs, and summons a sharpened knife-like bone as his main weapon. He's not one for 'fun social activities', and acts more the part of a lone wolf with murderous tendencies. Sometimes F traps him in a bug box while he's a bitty, and makes him become friends with the spiders she keeps.

Voice: The machine

P: ..I wasn't that drunk..
C: You tried coloring in my damn face with a fucking highlighter, because you said I was important.
P: *Sob* BuT yOu aRE ;^;

Writing snipits

White. It was all white. Familiar, to the figure wandering through it's vast expanse. Though, not like the white they were used to, because this white was cold and had a certain crunch to it underfoot. And as they wandered even further, the white started to become broken apart by looming stripes of what could only be trees. On and on the figure walked, arms tucked firmly to their chest as their somewhat tattered coat swept along through the fluffy white piled all around them. It seemed no one traversed these paths, as the snow reached up to their knees and occasionally invaded their boots if they were to kick up high enough. Grumbling quiet profanities to themselves, the figure shifted his hood around to peer out as the seemingly endless expanse of snow and unnervingly tall pines lining the forest.

Another AU.. another day. Same routine, just a bit more annoying to follow through with, as for some reason his previous methods had landed him on the very edge of the Underground cavern- outside of the Ruins, but no where near the path to Snowdin. He honestly had no idea where he was, and had been travelling for what seemed like days, but was likely a few hours at most. A grumble came from the somewhat scantly dressed Skeleton, who's blued eyelights focused in on a few buildings in the distance- the sign just barely in view from the angle he was approaching. "Shit, it's about damn time.. I'm freezing my coccyx off.." He honestly didn't care what universe he was in, as long as he could quickly grab grub and settle down for a bit while his magic came back enough to escape. Maybe there would be something interesting here.. Heh, nah, it's been the same with almost every AU he's visited. "I'll be lucky if they don't want my bones turned into bread. That last one was.." He frowned, shaking away the image of his look alike with a gaping hole bashed into the side of his head, and his eyelight that engorged red circle. "...Hahhh.." He continued to the edge of the town, peering around a bit before making himself known. Not every AU was amused with someone from a different world popping up out of no-where, and he was really in no mood to start up a fight at half his regular power.


There was another noise..! Clip couldn't tell what it was, but it sounded high-pitched and bubbly, which isn't usually an environmental sound. It was putting him off, and he kept glancing around with a glaring red to his eyes. He's probably just hearing things.. Growling to himself, he just lifted his hand again to knock at the door.  

Knock knock? 
More silence. 

And then a bang, followed swiftly by shuffling and a gravely, annoyed voice "Who's there?" 

Heh. "Nobel." He could feel the grin growing on the other side of the door, as the tenant started undoing some locks "Nobel who?" Aahhh "Nobel.. That's why i knocked." 

The door swiftly opened, revealing the man himself, clad in a crooked red turtleneck, and a pair of plain grey shorts- He didn't seem to be in his signature attire, aside from the turtleneck. But Clip could see a big fur-trimmed black jacket hanging on one of their chairs in the kitchen. "Aye. Mind if ya let a skeleton into your closet to pick at your thoughts?" He watched the smile drop, as a look of utter confusion crossed his sharp features, before being replaced with something of a hostile scowl. 

"Th'hell? Who'tha fuck'r you?" Er- okay. Guess he'll play it safe for now. Don't actually know if this is really the one of two brothers who knows about the machine. Though as he paused to think of an answer, the Sans of this timeline- Cobalt, some piece of his code helpfully supplied as a supplement -pulled him away from the door, and straight outside into the snow, slamming the wooden slab shut so hard that the frames shook with the force. "The hell are ya doin' here?" Ooohhh boy..