


4 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info




Warlock (Hexblade)


Neutral Good


A tall, muscular half-orc with chartreuse skin and long red dreads. His eyes are a mellow yellow. His fashion is of a commoner with his own extra flair, as a tailor he's not worried about buying clothes and makes his own when he has spare time. There's a strange burn-like tattoo on his right forearm marking the seal with his sword. Dhamon has a gentle nature despite his otherwise intimidating exterior however he won't stand to be a pushover, at times enough will be enough and he'll show the true power of an angered orc-warlock. Often he regrets what he does with his temper.


Story: (Young age) Taken from across the sea, was registered as a indentured servant. He was sold to a tailor, a kenku named Nellie. She didn’t treat him as just a worker, but as her own son. Growing up had been difficult for the young half-breed, wherever Dhamon went he would be either belittled or ran away from. It frustrated him. In his time of need, Nellie told him in order to make them change their mind is to keep his chin up and be kinder than any of them. He grew a tolerance for criticism but it didn’t mean he would always stand for some of what people say. If pushed far enough, he will act aggressively... that attitude got him into some trouble in the past.

(Adult life) Nothing was unusual about his life as a tailor; he spent his days swiftly making suits and earning the trust of his town. Everything was quite mundane until he had a bizarre dream. He’d been floating in a void, cold and soundless until he saw his reflection staring him in the face. A sword in his right hand and shadows with glowing eyes surrounding him. He woke up in the grassy hill of his village, next to a sword engraved with a message: “take me with you and I will grant you with a piece of my own power.” Dhamon, a simple tailor, rejected even touching the sword and went home but something strange was afoot. No one in his village seemed to know who he was. This had to be a joke! But not even his own mentor remember him. He went back where he woke up, the eerie sword staring him in the face with a different message written: “I can take you home, back to your own realm. Just take my offer and you’ll own it.” With no other choice, Dhamon picked up the sword in his right hand and it fused within his arm, marking him with a tattoo of the sword itself. At will, he could summon this sword but he had tasks to fulfill as it directed him verbally. (A talking sword... he’d surely gone mad!) Now he wanders an isekai, learning the way of a hexblade warrior in order to be empowered enough to take him home and return to his life as a tailor, but until then he’d remain on his quest.