
4 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Tiz the Time


Tabaxi (Sand Cat)


Monk (Way of the Hourglass)


Chaotic Good


A sandy furred tabaxi, standing well under average height. There’s an hourglass tattoo all along his back. Tiz wears an assortment of exotic wears from his people and where he’d travel. He’s a clever man but fairly kind.


A simple nomadic trader who was trained in a monastery. Originally he was confused for a kitten on their front doorstep and taken in but then found out as a tabaxi child. The Clock nomads were founded out in the desert, where Tiz learned the ways of the Hourglass.

He moved out of the monastery, curious of all the land beyond sand. After all, time was ever flowing and his existence would soon run out as he was taught. Tiz became Tiz the Time, a world traveler who had a knack for novelties from all life brought him. His life was filled of collecting and when his bag was too heavy a burden, he set up shop and sold what he didn’t need... this often got him into trouble as he’d collect rare objects deemed illegal (without his knowledge of course! Tiz is a simple man... he sees something pretty and he’ll take it with him!) But he learned to be quick and use his own wit to get out of tight situations. 


>Tiz a complete joke character, being a complete pun on the sands of time and such. (He’s a sand cat who’s learned the hourglass and is named Tiz the Time. I mean... c’mon that’s clever!)

>His entire character is kinda broken. Tabaxi monks are OP and his archetype is an awesome homebrew.

> Voice: Obi Wan Kenobi (Star Wars The Clone Wars)